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Please Support My New YouTube Channel!

Reid Rosefelt

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As many of you know, I lost my last YouTube Channel, after 100 videos and 14 years of work.   My first video from my new channel is finally up!

Please support me any way you can with my new channel.  It has one subscriber (me) right now.  Absolutely anything you do--subscribe, like, comment, share on other social media platforms, etc. will cause YouTube to show my video to more people.  It’s going to be a long slog.  Hopefully this will take less than 14 years. 

I don’t know what you know about The Metaverse, or if you care, but I have become convinced that it is something we should all know about.  For one thing, McKinsey & Company says that The Metaverse may generate $5 trillion dollars by 2030, so pretty much all the world’s biggest companies are spending hundreds of billions of dollars to cash in on this thing. (You may have heard that the company behind Facebook is spending a measly ten billion a year in hopes of grabbing a share of this bonanza.)  I believe it will be a tidal wave for anybody involved in music and the arts—but truly it will affect all commerce. I don’t think that The Metaverse will be here for ten years or a lot longer, but still it’s good to be informed.

Forum rules will keep me from posting more videos here, even though I never made one cent after all my years on YouTube.  So if you want to be notified about my videos, you’ll have to click the YouTuber bell in order to get notificatioins.  But it is allowed for me to put my link below. 

I’ll be writing a lot of music cues for this Channel.  I don’t know if I would call it music in this one—maybe more like textures.   I used two recent sales purchases (Vocalise 2 and Audiofier’s Veevum Human) for the staccato female vocal sounds you hear during the titles.  After I get going with this, I hope to expand some of these cues into actual music, and do a separate “Metaverse Music” channel for them. 

Thanks everybody!

PS  @cclarry has subscribed, so now I have two subscribers!   Thank you, Larry!

Edited by Reid Rosefelt
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All of you are helping me so much, and I am very grateful. 

My dream is that YouTube will pick up on this engagement and start to show the video to people who are interested in the topic.  But I'm realistic.  I'm going to have to make a dozen more videos before that is likely to happen.    

But I'm committed. I've already written drafts of 8 or 9 of the  scripts.  As I have to be traveling a lot this year, I got myself a laptop powerful enough to run Premiere. 

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22 minutes ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

But I'm committed. I've already written drafts of 8 or 9 of the  scripts.  As I have to be traveling a lot this year, I got myself a laptop powerful enough to run Premiere. 

Does YouTube have a censor-type program you can run them through in advance of posting them to avoid being cancelled again?  If not, and you want to be bold, there's a whole range of things you can talk about in a video or two or three . . . !!!!!   ? 

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The channel is going to be about imagining what things would be like if this thing is built.  What would shopping be like in immersive 3D?  What about gaming?  What would dating be like?   Could there be love with somebody in a different country who doesn't know what you look like and you don't know about them?    How does it change things when you cam just pick what you'll look like?  One thing that fascinates me about being in virtual worlds is that a woman with a beautiful avatar comes over and men act the way they do when a real live beauty is there.  And they have no idea if the woman is attractive in real life  or even if she is a woman. 

What would music be like if you could get together in the same virtual  space with people from all over the world?

I find when I think about these things it opens up a Pandora's Box of good and bad things.  Particularly the latter.  A lot of dangers in this thing, and I don't know if there's any way to stop it. 

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