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An Emotional Homeward Bound Journey


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Hi everybody ,

I woke up the morning and said Hey I feel like playing on a new song . Twanger Central had a new track up so I said OK this one will do .

The Track that I'm playing over was just the Piano only so I decided to stretch out and play various guitars and instruments.

On this song I'm playing guitar , guitar synth , Bass, and a few various other things.

I consider this mix and song  to be a work in progress at this point .

BTW, I nicked that picture off James . That house sure looks like a real nice place to live ...



Here is the piano backing track I played over ....provided for those ambitious souls among  us 


As always , I hope you guys enjoy the playing ,



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On 7/21/2019 at 3:49 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Nicely done!

keep us updated. 


T ! thank you for the song listen ,I sure will.

On 7/21/2019 at 4:31 AM, garybrun said:

Looking forward to listening to the finished project.

Hi garybrun , Me too ?

I'm trying over here ..progress seems slow ..

thank you for commenting

On 7/21/2019 at 8:05 AM, amiller said:

Yeah, I like this.

amiller , Glad you do . thanks .

On 7/21/2019 at 1:12 PM, AndyB01 said:

Nice playing Kenny - love those mutes (and everything else), great clean sound as well - so many places you can take this - a very enjoyable listen.


Hi Andy ! I have been messing around on the side w where I may want to take this ...I'm glad you like what I have done so far .

I'm glad I trusted my original playing instincts ..now I have to be super careful as to what I may add to the song .

thank you for your comments .


On 7/21/2019 at 1:42 PM, emeraldsoul said:

Super nice on the volume swells. You have excellent feel of when to play, and when not to. Cool beans!



I love doing the volume swells. They are done using only my right hand pinky w a synchronized left playing hand ...no automation .

When I was younger people used to tell me I would be a really good guitar player once I slowed down and played with a lot more feel  ...

They didn't tell me that it was gonna take a real long time and for me to get a lot older for that to happen ?



On 7/22/2019 at 12:19 PM, Lynn said:

It seems like I heard a little Roy Buchanan in this.  Is that possible?  Anyway, I love your playing!

Hi Lynn,

Sure it is possible .  I love Roy's playing ...

thank you for always being so kind and generous in your comments on my playing . it means a lot too me .


23 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Yes I did enjoy the playing. Professional caliber as usual.

Hi Bjorn ,

I'm glad you liked my guitar playing on this .

23 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Do you ever hit a wrong note? ?

As a matter of fact , yes I do hit lots of wrong notes . When I practice I go out of my way to hit them .


" Yesterdays Wrong Note Discovered in Practice Has The Potential to Become Today's New Hip Sounding Passing Tone " he he he 


thank you all ,




Edited by Kenny Wilson
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I listened to this the other day. I thought to ask (but I really didn't want to go down that road again! LOL : ) if that was you using the volume knob or it was the guitar synth. Because I can't make out where the synth is. IJK. I am thinking it's the part with what sounds like vibrato/tremelo? 

Listened to it at work the other day and today I listened again on my monitors at home and I could really hear much more definition here at the house. 

Really good playing Kenny. Great touch as always. And nice tone. 

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On 7/25/2019 at 8:36 AM, freddy j said:

Excellent playing!!  Your excellent playing skills really bring out the emotion of this song.

Hi Freddy ! thank you for the song listen and kind words .

On 7/26/2019 at 6:47 AM, Joad said:

very cool playing,  when I heard that bit at the start of the song I went out and bought a volume pedal.

Joad ,

A volume pedal is a cool thing to have ...I need to get one someday ...till then, I will continue to just use  my pinky.

( on the guitars I have that will let me do it that way )  .

glad you dug my geetar playing ...

On 7/26/2019 at 7:24 AM, Grem said:

I listened to this the other day. I thought to ask (but I really didn't want to go down that road again! LOL : ) if that was you using the volume knob or it was the guitar synth. Because I can't make out where the synth is. IJK. I am thinking it's the part with what sounds like vibrato/tremelo? 

Listened to it at work the other day and today I listened again on my monitors at home and I could really hear much more definition here at the house. 

Really good playing Kenny. Great touch as always. And nice tone. 

Hello Grem ,

 Glad you gave this one a listen and dug the sounds ...

I put a lot of thoughts into things long before I even touch my instrument ..

I live w a track primarily w my ears and heart only  . I listen I listen I listen ...then I listen some more .

If I dig the track enough I create a story and make a loose plan of what I might play ...then I will experiment and play over the parts of the song that may give me a problem ...

Don't get me wrong , I also will play over the parts I like , the thing is I don't like flying high on my guitars fret board and then hitting a section of a song that takes me out into a back alley , beats me up and then tries it's best to mug  me ...

To be perfectly honest I don't really care what guitar I'm gonna play or what type of gear I'm gonna use ..all that "stuff " is there is to serve me , not the other way around...

I generally  have one or two guitars out within arms reach at all times . Thankfully my super large dog does not think they are his personal chew toys ...

Depending on what Guitar I  have out  will determine whether I will use it or not . In this case I had a solid body and a Jazz Box out ...that's what I used ...

As far as guitar synths goes , I have older tunes out where it is all heavy synths and textures ...Now a days I tend to use my midi guitar playing in more subtle ways ..

In this song the most obvious  guitar synth section was  the section you pointed out.  Then there's the 12 string on the other side ( left )

My Bass playing was on a 4 string ,yet in  those sections my guitars counter melodies were analog Jazz box right&  Gtr Synth left ...

anyway that's all care to share for now , have a good one ,






Edited by Kenny Wilson
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On 7/28/2019 at 12:48 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

This song has a lot of emotion - it pulls you in - sort of a reminiscing type of vibe.  The mix sounds very nice to my ears.

Nicely done.

Hi Douglas Kirby .

Thank you for the kind words you said . I appreciated hearing them ...

On 7/30/2019 at 6:41 AM, Rik said:

Hey Kenny, excellent as always, excellent tones and choice of notes

Hi Rik ,

Thank you very much for the song listen and having  nice things to say about my playing .It means a lot too me .


all the best,


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On 8/5/2019 at 12:46 PM, David Baay said:

Sweet... a Kenny Wilson twofer! Listening to this, methinks another collab might be in order. I have a virtually endless supply of  solo piano  grooves like this from which you can choose.  ;^)




Hi Dave ,

It is nice to see you around here and I'm glad you enjoyed this song. Sure , if you want to run something you have done by me just let me know .

The collab we did years ago still goes down as one of the best I've been a part of still to this day .

all the best,



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Yeah, you did a masterful job on Two Dude Defense with the full-fledged arrangement you brought to it. I won't ask for that level of effort this time . Just soloing over a simple groove on keys or keys+drums like this. I'll pick a few things and share them to your bandlab account for you to consider.

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On 8/9/2019 at 8:11 AM, David Baay said:

Yeah, you did a masterful job on Two Dude Defense with the full-fledged arrangement you brought to it. I won't ask for that level of effort this time . Just soloing over a simple groove on keys or keys+drums like this. I'll pick a few things and share them to your bandlab account for you to consider.

I look forward to hearing from you ... P M sent

all the best,


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