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Wavesfactory Trackspacer only $29 USD


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  On 12/24/2022 at 3:17 PM, fret_man said:

The Freebies don't change until Jan 3rd. too.



That's right and that was my point. I have a feeling they change them manually and if they change the Trackspacer deal first (i.e. end the sale price), then they might miss out. So there could be a small window of opportunity, to no opportunity to get the new freebies.

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  On 12/25/2022 at 1:00 AM, PavlovsCat said:

I wonder, can anyone contrast Izotope's masking tool with Trackspacer? I own Izotope stuff. 


That's one reason why I hadn't jumped on the Trackspacer sale too. I'd been waiting for it to come on sale, but during that time I've picked up the iZotope bundle and also smart:comp2 so I thought I should get familiar with those too.

I tried out the iZotope option the other day and it was OK, but I have a feeling Trackspacer will be better. When I get some free time I think it would be worth it for me to give it a demo even if I don't grab it.

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  On 12/24/2022 at 10:48 PM, Joakim said:

Sonible smartcomp is another contender that can do spectral side chain ducking 


Thanks, I have smartcomp but I forgot about this option. For that I use Baby Audio Smooth Operator, another one worth a mention. Obviously Trackspacer as a one trick pony might be the easiest and quickest in use.

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I was thinking of getting this, but I realized I was already using a product that can do this (if you use multiple plugins, you can get the number of EQ bands Trackspacer claims) with much better control and very low latency.  I have never needed more than 5 bands to pop out a voice thru the music.

I was using a dynamic EQ from Waves Audio called F6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ, but Total EQ can do dynamics too.  So Total EQ I use instead of Waves Audio F6 plug-in.

TotalEQ by Hornet Plugins for much less (currently on sell for $7.00). 


White Sea Studio "Better than Fabfilter" YouTube link

You can side chain Total EQ.

I am able to carve out EQ also without side chain by creating one Total EQ (setup that with EQ band settings) copy it to another track and tell Total EQ to "MUTE" those EQ bands.. which carves out the EQ bands for my mix to go thru.  You can copy that to multiple tracks to carve it out of multiple tracks if you want.


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  On 12/23/2022 at 7:17 PM, marled said:

I think it all starts with the arrangement


I know some anglers, and when I go fishing with them they always catch more fish.  It baffles me.  I have some very good poles and a fairly good collection of lures, and often my friend's kit is no better than than mine.  Still, they bag more than I do.

I complained once to a friend when we were fishing for trout.  He said that I needed to learn where the fish go when their hungry, and then pick the right bait to get the fish to bite. 


Edited by Jesse Screed
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 I dunno...

$29 vs all the other plugins I spend/spent more money on per plugin to try and accomplish the same thing...
$29 for a do-it-all tool vs spending the time to chain together a string of plugins then tuning them...
$29 vs spending hours wringing my hands try to decide whether to or not to...

If your time is valuable to you the first time you use this it paid for itself.

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  On 12/26/2022 at 12:06 AM, Leandro Álvarez said:

Can you use TDR Nova for carving space?


Sure can.  You can do it with any dynamic EQ/Compressor/Multi-band Compressor that allows External Side-Chaining.

Here's Nova's manual page:  https://docs.tokyodawn.net/nova-manual/#Sidechain_Input

PS. There's not much you CAN'T do with Nova. It totally kicks butt.

Edited by mibby
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  On 12/23/2022 at 2:06 PM, mibby said:

One thing that is so great about TrackSpacer is the UI and the workflow. It is just sooooo easy to use!


I've just gone through and set up my DAW's Dynamic EQ, TDR Nova, MAutoDynamicEQ, MSpectralDynamics, VoxDucker and TrackerSpacer to duck a track.  I stand by this statement above 100%.

PS. I'm not familiar with Hornet's TotalEQ or Sonible's SmartEQ3, but couldn't figure how to side-chain them immediately and moved on...

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  On 12/26/2022 at 3:10 AM, mibby said:

I've just gone through and set up my DAW's Dynamic EQ, TDR Nova, MAutoDynamicEQ, VoxDucker and TrackerSpacer to duck a track.  I stand by this statement above 100%.

PS. I'm not familiar with Hornet's TotalEQ or Sonible's SmartEQ3 but couldn't figure how to side-chain immediately those and moved on...


Time is money.   Sounds like Trackspacer would be a 1 instance plug-in that even if I wanted to buy it I can't.

I spent my last bit of overseas money a few hours ago.  The rest of my money I can only use in America.


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  On 12/26/2022 at 6:22 PM, bitflipper said:

Basically the same effect. TrackSpacer is easier to use, MSpectralDynamics is more tweakable and versatile.


Thanks Bit, after rereading the MSD review in Sound Bytes it doesn't really sound that convoluted to use

"Insert an instance of MSpectralDynamics on the instrument bus

Route the vocal(s) to its sidechain input

Set the Dry/wet control to 100%

Select manual release mode

Set attack to 40ms, release to 50ms

Now we’re ready to dial it in."

I get that time is money, but also believe that money is time.  I already have MSpectral Dynamics, so rather than drop another $30 I'll just learn to use what I have right now including Izotope Neutron.

I can't hang with the deeper pockets when it comes to having everything so I'm taking a jab of CbB CH Gas vaccine.? I know it won't cure GAS, but it might make it less severe next time it strikes.

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  On 12/26/2022 at 7:42 PM, bitflipper said:

I have it on good authority that the author of that review remains a fan of MSpectralDynamics and still uses it regularly. 


Yep, I have heard the author is a great fella.  He did an excellent job of providing insights on how to use that plug in.  If I ever meet him in person I would stoke a bowl with him.

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While I shared this deal, I wasn't sure I was going to buy Trackspacer. But after all of the recommendations -- especially when people shared how this is useful for those not very practiced at mixing (Bitflipper's quote), I thought it sounded like a good fit. So thanks, everyone. 

I chose Cherry Audio CA2600 as the gift freebie along with my purchase and after playing around with it this morning-- it's a lot of fun. I really like it and would recommend checking it out before the deal is over (you can get it with any Plugin Boutique purchase).  The freebie ends tomorrow -- and I think the Trackspacer sale does too -- so if you're interested, act soon. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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It appears that the cpu hit is a bit "lighter" than Neutron's unmask; if that's a concern for anyone...
First use, when I demoed it, I felt that the "effect" was pretty subtle (as in I couldn't hear it).
I re-visited it today (to compare the cpu hit) and it wasn't "subtle" at all. I could pretty much "duck" the "band" completely.
I thought I had it set up right originally; maybe not so much?


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  On 12/26/2022 at 2:42 AM, mibby said:

Sure can.  You can do it with any dynamic EQ/Compressor/Multi-band Compressor that allows External Side-Chaining.

Here's Nova's manual page:  https://docs.tokyodawn.net/nova-manual/#Sidechain_Input

PS. There's not much you CAN'T do with Nova. It totally kicks butt.


But it’s not the same thing as the frequency of the voice/instrument will change with the melody, You would need something like surfer eq. 

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