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Please enhance the error message that appears when plugin is missing


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Please enhance the error message that appears when plugin is missing or can't load.

The current error message is woefully inadequate it only shows the plugin name and an option to perform a futile search on Cakewalk's web site.
The error message should show what format of plugin is missing (DX, VST32, VST64, VST3) and what patch was being used.
I can understand that maybe this may not be possible to do with an older project but it is something that is long overdue to be added as a current feature.

Over the years my VST usage has evolved from 32 bit to 64 bit to VST3 and it is common even when I open even a fairly new project that one or more VSTs don't load.   
Cakewalk will tell you the name of the plugin that fails to load but no info on its format (32/64/VST/VST3/etc) or what preset it was using.
With some projects I then have to ponder is it even worth continuing work on it as it can take several hours (or days depending on available time) per plugin to locate and install older versions until I either hit the right one or ultimately fail.  At least if I knew what format I could either zero in on the correct installer or just replace it.
I know that this isn't the first time that this has been requested and at this point it has probably become my most vexing Cakewalk issue.

Edited by TheSteven
fixing typos & gramar
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  • TheSteven changed the title to Please enhance the error message that appears when plugin is missing

In addition to the plugin name, how about adding the expected path? That would tell us if it's VST2 or VST3, and make it quicker to get there and see if the DLL is really missing. If the DAW reports it as missing but the file system verifies it is not missing, then that's a whole different troubleshooting flowchart than if it's really not there.

I don't recall if this has been implemented, but awhile back I suggested adding a button to open the most recent debug log file in Notepad.

This dialog is a great opportunity to add little features and more information that will help the user solve his own problems, or to give experienced users something to go on when attempting to help a beginner.

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5 hours ago, bitflipper said:

This dialog is a great opportunity to add little features and more information that will help the user solve his own problems, or to give experienced users something to go on when attempting to help a beginner.

This is a big reason for this feature. Something as simple as "[plugin] expected at [this path] failed to load for [reason]" would allow for quicker troubleshooting (both solo and on the forums).

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  • 3 weeks later...

Next to the issues mentioned, I also have this problem with some plugins after an update which has a higher version number e.g. Pro-Q to Pro-Q 2.
Once I see the error message I know or remember that I upgraded the plugin, so it is easy to solve the problem, but it takes some extra steps.

I would like to get together with a vastly improved error message (with all the suggestions above mentioned) the option to replace the plugin so I can insert it immediately in the project.


19 hours ago, GreenLight said:

Along similar lines, I've often thought it would be useful to be able to generate a "Plugin report" when working on a project, which would list all plugins and their versions that are in use.

I fully agree. The thing I use so far is Project Scope, but it doesn't show which tracks and busses contain which plugins, it doesn't show stereo or mono, steady state, etc. Project Scope could maybe serve as a reference to create something that provides much more extensive and completer project information.

Edited by Teegarden
added info, explanation
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On 1/8/2023 at 11:19 AM, Teegarden said:

I fully agree. The thing I use so far is Project Scope, but it doesn't show which tracks and busses contain which plugins, it doesn't show stereo or mono, steady state, etc. Project Scope could maybe serve as a reference to create something that provides much more extensive and completer project information.

Thanks for this. This will help when trying pinpoint what plugin is stopping a project from opening. Should cut down the time it takes clicking through yes and no to each plugin.

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