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22 hours ago, 57Gregy said:

about 2 or three years ago ....  bought a card not long after that and it couldn't have been more than 40-50 bucks.

Yep, them was the good ol days!!

Like Craig says, after Crypto currency took off, mining it went through the roof. Every available video card was snatched up (or stollen by the boatloads!!) by the crypto-miners. Prices have never really returned to what they were.




Edited by Grem
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I was doing a little Cakewalking the other night, adjusting volumes, pannings, etc. in several songs I'm working on (some of them for years!). I had my Mountain Dew and a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos Puffs to snack on when the cat knocked my TV remote off the shelf and onto my keyboard.
I shooed him out of the room and continued moving knobs and pressing buttons, but nothing was doing what it was supposed to do. I think the remote must have hit a shortcut key called 'screw everything up'. I didn't know which one that was or how to disable it, so I just closed without saving, even though some of editing I would have kept under normal conditions.
Everything went back to normal once I re-opened CbB but I learned an important lesson: Never eat a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos Puffs the night before you have to go to work.

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