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This is why I despise Apple's!


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9 hours ago, Rain said:

I loved having a portable DAW when we travelled, so I could write and record on the road, in hotel rooms. But I can't imagine working in public. Whether it's writing music or a paper.

People bringing their laptop at Starbucks to do homework and work fascinate me. Someone once told me that it was to get out of the house - a change of air. If you really have to, the library would seem a much more logical choice to me.

I know it's probably me, but working on a computer at Starbucks always seems a little "poseur" to me. Most likely thee's a lot of people who need to work during their lunch break and such. But still... Starbucks?

And never do real work on an airplane. You never know who is sitting around you.

Decades ago, I was working on a proposal for B******d County in Florida. It was a decent 7 figure deal. I made it to the round of two, and gave my final presentation first. I had time to change out of my suit before the flight back to Chicago. Sitting in the row in front of me in First were the two dudes representing the other remaining bidder. They didn't recognize me. They worked on their bid all the way back to Chicago. I just watched through the gap between the two seats. When I got back to the office the next day, I updated my proposal by adding $215,000 to it. That brought my bid in just $15,000 under theirs. Low bidder wins. That $215,000 was pure profit. Made me a hero, it did! ?

Edited by John Maar
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1 hour ago, Shane_B. said:


As for Winamp ... I absolutely loved it. You can still find it but the current version is clunky and doesn't play well with modern higher resolutions. Someone is still working on it though. Last I checked they were officially planning on releasing it again but it looks a lot like a SoundCloud type of thing.

I loved how you could customize it and all the skins you could get for it. I had one that turned it in to a Analog looking device with VU's. Looked awesome on my 24" flat CRT. Need a magnifying glass to see it now because you can't scale it.

Yeah, it went to phooey after Justin sold it to AOL around 2000. I don't know who owns is now, but in the age of streaming, I can't see it every recovering any kind of market share. Like them or not, it's usually best to use the app that is provided by your music streaming service(s). I use Amazon Music mostly, since it's included as part of Prime. I bought a USB MQA decoder (the THX Onyx headphone amp), so I may get a Tidal account.

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On 12/9/2022 at 4:13 PM, pwalpwal said:

those things being?

Based on personal experience* and OTOH..... being more friendly/helpful towards other people, a better general attitude/outlook - y'know.. easy stuff that anyone could do if they wanted to (police officers and customs officials being very notable exceptions to this - must be part of their training). The concept of customer service, hospitality, entertainment, convenience, choice, traffic lights, the lack of VAT......

* Disclaimer : I haven't been there for many years, so it may be different now.

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  • 1 month later...

For the sake of being honest, I felt I had to post this here.

Last year, I finally started streaming using Apple Music. Quite convenient. That being said, I still buy music - especially CDs that I rip and add to my iTunes library.  Since I don't really bother with audio quality unless I'm sitting in my studio, I don't mind streaming when I'm in the gym or elsewhere in the house. This morning however, I really wanted to an album that is NOT available chez Apple. 

I figured - alright, simple. Connect the iPhone to the Mac, sync and transfer a copy of that album to the phone. That's how it used to work, anyway. Well, not anymore. Once you've bought into that streaming platform, there's no such thing a an easy way to transfer audio files from your computer to your phone. It's one or the other: your curated music collection OR the cloud. Your computer will let you use both local and cloud in conjunction but not your phone. So you either temporarily turn off the cloud and potentially erase everything you've set up or forget about importing music. 

Since I have experienced my share of disasters when importing music on my iPhone, I really don't trust Apple with this, so I had to forget about it. 

So yeah, even us Apple fans can hate them at times...

Edited by Rain
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  • 6 months later...
On 12/4/2022 at 2:30 AM, craigb said:

I've used Lastpass for years now.  Much better than a password-locked Excel sheet (which I, like any other nerd, can hack into in just a few seconds).  Plus you can access everything from any device, including a new one.

Check it out!



have free Office package, ''Exel, Word, Powerpoint,PDF etc etc''.  (easy install, no bs advertising etc....Exel seems full version/features to me.




Edited by Sheens
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