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Audiothing release Things Bubbles

Larry Shelby

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If you're shopping for items in addition to Audiothing's, Bubbles also appears to be free with any purchase (along with Cloudy Samples Cinematic Timelapse, Vicious Antelope Arctic Pigments 3 presets and UJAM Usynth Drive) at Loot Audio (should be automagically added to the basket):


Loot swings through these freebies pretty rapid-fire, so I'm not sure how long Bubbles will be among the swag.

Edited to add: r/APD says the current batch of Loot Audio freebies should be active through the 30th.

Edited by Zolton
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  On 11/23/2022 at 5:08 PM, Brian Lawler said:

Good way to pick up Bubbles @Zolton!  Some useful choices (if you have Kontakt Full) for  $5 or less to get the freebies.


Yeah, I've really been a fan of Loot Audio lately, particularly for "boutique" Kontakt libraries. They even have a few sub-$5 Decent Sampler libraries in the plugin section and a bunch of sub-$2 sample packs, for non-Kontakt users looking for a cheapie.

I'm waiting a couple of days for the deals to all shake out, but several of the discount Kontakt libs from Atom Hub, Iamlamprey and SoundIron look intriguing, especially for the price.

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  On 11/21/2022 at 8:41 PM, Zolton said:

If you're shopping for items in addition to Audiothing's, Bubbles also appears to be free with any purchase (along with Cloudy Samples Cinematic Timelapse, Vicious Antelope Arctic Pigments 3 presets and UJAM Usynth Drive) at Loot Audio (should be automagically added to the basket):


Loot swings through these freebies pretty rapid-fire, so I'm not sure how long Bubbles will be among the swag.

Edited to add: r/APD says the current batch of Loot Audio freebies should be active through the 30th.


Just FYI for anyone perusing Loot's site over the weekend to muse possible purchases (like me):

It appears that AudioThings Bubbles and UHAM Usynth Drive are still free with any purchase, the Cloudy Samples and Vicious Antelope offerings auto-added to the cart earlier are now back to their usual prices. 

Not sure whether they'll be replaced by other goodies at some point, but Bubbles along (and Drive, if you didn't snag it earlier) are probably still worth a look at a cheapie, if you're into any of those sorts of things. Just be sure to remove the expired freebies from your cart before sealing any deals.

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  On 11/25/2022 at 9:14 AM, simon said:

I think UJAM Drive is free directly from UJAM ?


Indeed, I believe it is -- so it's a freebie, but definitely not exclusive to Loot.

Two new freebies are added to the cart this afternoon, though, so the total haul with any order is currently:

AudioThing Things:Bubbles (until 11/30, reportedly)
UJAM Usynth Drive (unknown end date, available free elsewhere)
Melda MFreeformAnalogEq
Xenos Soundworks Apocalyptic Visions presets for Massive

The last two appear to rotate every couple of days, so there's a chance they'll cycle again before the Bubbles offer is up, if this batch doesn't totes float your boat.

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  On 11/25/2022 at 11:56 PM, Brian Lawler said:

Drat- I got MFreeformAnalogEQ as a freebie last BF.  Was hoping to bring my Melda Complete price down from several hundred to- Mmm- I guess STILL several hundred.  Oh well.  Thanks for the tips!


Absolutely -- I'm doing the same thing with Melda plugins.

If you don't have it already and missed the thread (way down on page 4 already!), MTransient is free with purchase at AudioDeluxe until 12/3:

That'd shave a few bucks off MComplete, at least. The cheapest way to get it would be one of the SoundIron one-trickers for $3 if you have Kontakt, or a bunch of stuff to pick from if you go up to $10 or so. Or at $19, there's a bunch of other Melda plugins on sale, though I don't know whether buying at "only" 50% off from a 3rd party is the most efficient way to chisel down the Melda bundle prices. Still, if ya need something, maybe it works out.

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  On 11/21/2022 at 8:41 PM, Zolton said:

Loot swings through these freebies pretty rapid-fire, so I'm not sure how long Bubbles will be among the swag.

Edited to add: r/APD says the current batch of Loot Audio freebies should be active through the 30th.


Well, drat -- and so much for trusting posted expiration dates.

I was waiting a few days to see whether the other current Loot freebies (MFreeformAnalogEq and Apocalyptic Visions) might cycle out for something I preferred. Instead, Bubbles is no longer in the cart as a freebie, and the two above remain. Unless it's some temporary glitch, it seems the window to get Bubbles free at Loot has closed earlier than expected. 

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I picked up Aleatoric by Ergo Kukke on Saturday at Loot. And got Audiothing Bubbles, Mfreeform Analog EQ,  Ujam synth (installed and deleted !), and the Massive presets. A good deal. Plus had an email from Loot offering 5% extra off the new Ben Osterhouse Violin. But useable on any sale if you wanted.

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