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Wurli Sample Library Shootout  

10 members have voted

  1. 1. Which Wurli library do you think sounds best? Listen to the linked SoundCloud file below and pay close attention to the dynamics. First, you'll hear each Wurli in the context of a full band, then you'll hear them by themselves. The same MIDI file was used for each time through.

    • Wurli library (1) one / uno
    • Wurli library (2) two / dos
    • Wurli library (3) three / tres

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16 minutes ago, ALC said:

Are you talking about Wurly Model 120 library?  https://www.ikmultimedia.com/products/stwurlymodel120/

I would be interested in how it stacks up.

I was referring to the Wurli in the library that comes with SampleTank 4. I'm pretty sure that was from 200A, the 120 sounds a lot different. 

But I went to VI Control and tagged Troels to ask why he removed his Wurli from the SoundPaint site and mentioning the individual making claims he's a descendant of Rudolph Wurlitzer and owns the rights to the Wurli name. So why did I post that publicly? I thought it would be good to get the word out in case this person tries to scam other developers.

I'll update this thread if I hear back from Troels  unless he contacts me privately and wants the matter to remain private.

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1 hour ago, PavlovsCat said:

@Scott HI just noticed that your avatar is an image of an electric piano.  Is that a Wurli? Did I  find someone as obsessed with Wurlis as me? It's far TMI, but as the son of a late music teacher who grew up with a bunch of instruments my siblings and I played,  I'm pretty much in love with all of them. The Wurli,  a baby grand piano, a Les Paul, a Leslie speaker,  my first drum kit (a Camco made a 10 minute drive from my childhood home)....so these days I buy all that stuff in sampled form. To me Wurlis are pure magic. I have been begging my friend Greg Schlaepfer (Orange Tree Samples) to make one that's at the same level as the Famous E -- the best Rhodes library on the planet (even Sound on Sound's review gave it its highest rating and stated it's "probably" the best Rhodes sample library that exists) made in cooperation with one of the all time studio musician greats, Jay Graydon. Now they need to do it for the Wurli. Except Jay isn't a Wurli fan. Consequently, if  someone has a Wurli 200A  in great shape,  please get it to Orange Tree Samples! But until that day, I think that AcousticSamples dev has the best Wurli library that my ears have heard. 

The SOS review of Orange Tree Samples Famous E. If you love electric pianos,  that is a must,  IMO. Exact quote: "Orange Tree Sample’s Famous E may be the best virtual Rhodes you can buy."


Good catch! Actually my avatar is a snippet of a Rhodes Mark I Stage 73.  You can tell it is a Stage and not a Suitcase by the silver knobs. Yes, I am a sucker for a good electromagnetic piano. I bought the Famous E when it first came out and I don't regret it a bit. It's an awesome Rhodes piano library. It would be a total Sophie's Choice if I had to choose between a Rhodes and a Wurlitzer.  A Rhodes is probably more versatile but if I had a gun to my head I'd take the Wurli every time. Fortunately I don't have to choose.

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Just now, Scott H said:

Good catch! Actually my avatar is a snippet of a Rhodes Mark I Stage 73.  You can tell it is a Stage and not a Suitcase by the silver knobs. Yes, I am a sucker for a good electromagnetic piano. I bought the Famous E when it first came out and I don't regret it a bit. It's an awesome Rhodes piano library. It would be a total Sophie's Choice if I had to choose between a Rhodes and a Wurlitzer.  A Rhodes is probably more versatile but if I had a gun to my head I'd take the Wurli every time. Fortunately I don't have to choose.

I knew I recognized the knobs on your avatar (wow,  does that sound like some kind of convoluted double entendre....) . 

The only band I ever played in with a Wurli was my childhood band with my siblings, and I was the drummer, as my sisters were older and vastly superior keyboardists. So we had a Wurli in our living room and I took piano,  organ and drum lessons as a kid (and later guitar lessons) and loved playing the Wurli. But every band I played professionally as an adult that had an electric piano,  it was a Rhodes. So I have lots of memories with the various Rhodes models, but the Wurli has these super deep family memories that probably adds another dimension to when I hear that sound today.  I suppose nostalgia is no small factor here. 

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19 hours ago, Christian Jones said:

What's the deal with someone claiming to be related to Mr. Wurlitzer? What's the scam there and what does he have to gain from it?

The individual registered a trademark for a sports entertainment business for Wurlitzer and went to the developer who owns AcousticSamples and tried to persuade him to give him money to license the name Wurly claiming he is the heir to the Wurlitzer founder, Rudolph Wurlitzer and owns the rights. That's enough to realize it's almost certainly a scam. However,  I searched the USPTO database and found what I already expected,  Gibson,  who acquired Baldwin,  and subsequently the rights to Wurlitzer (Bakdwin bought Wurlitzer before Gibson acquired Baldwin). The Wurlitzer trademark for musical instruments and jukeboxes has long been owned by Gibson. The person trying to swindle the developer claimed to own the intellectual property rights  to Wurly, but those were sold to Baldwin maybe 40 years ago (I don't recall the year, but it was in the realm of decades ago), then transferred to Gibson long ago and now Wurly is presently a dead trademark. I also found a small sample developer named Adam Monroe who obviously never consulted a trademark attorney registered the name Wurlitzer to use for his sample libraries. I find his effort less than good ethics and would never buy this guy's libraries after realizing what he tried to do. But he wasted his money and Gibson could easily sue him and win damages if they tried. They just probably never noticed him. But it's sleezy intellectual property infringement and yes   you can register a trademark that someone else has the rights to and later be sued for intellectual property infringement.  A USPTO registration only provides a dated record you made a trademark claim.

So to cut to the chase, the professed heir to the Wurlitzer family trademark is obviously a scammer as the rights to the Wurlitzer trademarks were bought by Baldwin then it was bought by Gibson long ago. The Wurlitzer trademark remains live, registered by Gibson and a bogus registration by this Adam Monroe character. Then this guy trying to scam the developer registered a trademark on Wurlitzer that doesn't even apply to musical instruments and Gibson  let its Wurly trademark expire in 2012. But they could always sue someone using the name for trademark infringement based on a common law trademark claim.

I'm not a lawyer,  just a very experienced marketing and business  strategy exec that has been involved  in a lot of trademark and copyright registrations and some related legal matters. I know the area well enough that Interpol quotes me as an expert on international intellectual property law in their documentation. But it's nothing I'd put in my bio or resume. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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I didn't know what a Wurli was before I joined this forum and now I want one. Thanks a lot. :/

I picked number 1 for the bite but on lower volume I preferred number 3. Number 2 sounded broken.

3 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

I think maybe we should start some kind of a Wurli fan group. Okay,  that sounds like some kind of weird fetish. I appreciate that I'm not alone in my love of the Wurli. 

Good idea! So many channel strips have been released lately that we should start a club for those too. I'm just not sure what to call it...

Edited by pseudopop
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2 hours ago, pseudopop said:

I didn't know what a Wurli was before I joined this forum and now I want one. Thanks a lot. :/

I picked number 1 for the bite but on lower volume I preferred number 3. Number 2 sounded broken.

Good idea! So many channel strips have been released lately that we should start a club for those too. I'm just not sure what to call it...

I think you made a pretty fair analysis. I definitely think the volume spikes of the SoundPaint Wurli are "broken. " Hopefully,  they pulled it off the market to fix it and  could improve the sound and dynamics. That would be a wonderful surprise and I'd be the first to share that news. 

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6 hours ago, PavlovsCat said:

I was referring to the Wurli in the library that comes with SampleTank 4. I'm pretty sure that was from 200A, the 120 sounds a lot different. 

But I went to VI Control and tagged Troels to ask why he removed his Wurli from the SoundPaint site and mentioning the individual making claims he's a descendant of Rudolph Wurlitzer and owns the rights to the Wurli name. So why did I post that publicly? I thought it would be good to get the word out in case this person tries to scam other developers.

I'll update this thread if I hear back from Troels  unless he contacts me privately and wants the matter to remain private.

There seems to be quite a few Wurly  threads on VI over the years.

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17 hours ago, telecode 101 said:

There seems to be quite a few Wurly  threads on VI over the years.

Rightfully so. Wurlys are awesome! I love the Rhodes too, but I didn't grow up with a Rhodes in the living room, as I did with the Wurly and being part of my childhood family band, so I have a ton of history with the Wurly and its tone just connects with my soul in a way that other electronic pianos can't match. 

(I think I'm going to settle on spelling it Wurly, the way Wurlitzer actually spelled it as opposed to Wurli or Wurlie.)

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On 11/20/2022 at 6:11 PM, Bad Penguin said:

I'm very, very, very happy with my purchase of Skybox Audio's Hammers + Waves - EP 145B

I believe the intro price was about $49. Currently $79, but maybe back to $49 for BF?

Simeon's video is available at: Let's Play The Legendary EP 145 B From Skybox Audio


WOW! BF pricing ($35) is much better than intro pricing!!!

Skybox H&W EP 145B BF pricing = $35

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