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Friday Joyful Journeys 4:00 PM EST TODAY | Pianoteq 8 and more

Simeon Amburgey

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Hello everyone,

I am looking forward to sharing another Joyful Journey with all of you TODAY.
The Wheel Of Fun is going to get a workout for sure.
Giveaways from Spitfire, Sonixinema, UVI, and Modartt.
(I did receive NFR copies of the libraries reviewed and are not involved financially with any of the mentioned developers)

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Simeon goes full throttle on alliteration with Joyful Journeys! My teenage son and I have this ongoing thing where we try to outdo each other with alliteration to see who can do the longest phrase. For example,  Simeon says these cinematic samples sound spectacular when he shares his stunning synth skills. 

And look at you, using a disclosure, being a good role model for other influencers. Kudos, Simeon.  You already know I enjoy your videos. (And please, please, please try to do the Sonixenima Contemporary Soloist Cello library  comparing  it to their new legato  cello library before  Blsck Friday passes! Although Sonixenima should probably create a bundle of both cello libraries,  because they both sound gorgeous and I'd bet many other sample users feel similarly.)

UPDATE: I'm watching the video and now realize that you compare the two cello libraries. Thanks much, @Simeon Amburgey, that's exactly what I was hoping for. And guess what? I love them both! Figures.

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"You can't have too many pianos." 
- Simeon 

My credit card bill for sample libraries and hard drives say otherwise. ;)

I've really never heard two solo cello libraries whose tone I love more than these two from Sonixenima. Your video made it clear to me that both libraries sound amazing to my ears. So, it was helpful., but the end result is that I want both libraries. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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