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Getting email spam from Wusik again


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Wix support got back to me, they had also been made aware of the KVR thread about this latest spam campaign by someone and apparently read the entire thread.

They're investigating and say they're taking this very seriously. We'll see.

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5 hours ago, wyley said:

Wix support got back to me, they had also been made aware of the KVR thread about this latest spam campaign by someone and apparently read the entire thread.

They're investigating and say they're taking this very seriously. We'll see.

I hope they do something about it - it's absolutely ridiculous that the guy keeps spamming even though we've unsubscribed. I will never spend another penny with him again because of his behavior.

And I even bought the guy a coffee once...

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Fortunately, my web host nukes most of the spam.

Since my websites are public, the bots harvest my e-mail addresses, and if I go to my webhost to see what has been nuked, it's from 50 to over 100 per day. Plus, I can add anyone or any key word to the list myself.

But some still get through. Anything new gets through for a few days until the spam-killer bot learns to recognize it.

There are only 3 things certain in this world, death, taxes and spam.


Insights and incites by Notes ♫

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