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Y’all can now stop posting your pitiful deals


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5 hours ago, Fleer said:

‘cause the man is back in town. 


Edith: this is borderline pathetic, get a room. 

Like you, I'm super glad Larry is back. But just think about how much more money we're going to be spending now. And my eldest has decided on a college major. He's going for a doctorate degree.  Do you realize how many plugins and sample libraries I could have bought with that money???

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Because this thread is completely off topic and that's totally cool by me, I wanted to share something. A fellow forum member PMed me to ask me why another of my threads was deleted today and this isn't the first time a thread of mine that isn't violating a policy or controversial, received a complaint. It's incredibly clear that someone is targeting my threads, complaining about them to the mods and it seems obvious who it is, the same person who claimed that I was responsible for Larry leaving the forum for a short time (and disparaging the entire community with his post, saying that he doesn't like what's happened to the community lately -- whatever that meant). The person (falsely) reported that an 8Dio sale I posted contained an affiliate marketing link and the thread was deleted -- although I told the mod it was no big deal, but I didn't violate policy, there was no affiliate link. Yesterday's deleted thread was a poll asking if inflation would impact your plugin and sample library purchases; it wasn't political. I created the poll because I was curious how everyone is doing. I honestly was curious and I also did it to try to promote more compassion and empathy towards one another -- because global inflation is impacting people, especially on the lower income side. And, of course, it impacts our disposable incomes. 

So, the person who has had some PMs with me in the past, all started when I commented on a political post that the forum is best without politics. When he PMed me, I was friendly, and he seemed friendly, until I divulged my political leanings. I thought he would remain friendly. He didn't. He got ugly. When he made his post saying how bad this forum had become and he doesn't like it here anymore and blamed a particular person for Larry leaving, I PMed him to ask if the person he was blaming was me, and he confirmed it was. I think it's ridiculous for someone to carry around that venom. But to serially focus on my posts and threads is really out of hand. Honestly, he's doing a good job of ruining the joy I get from this place. At least a little. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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