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Command Sequence Foot Control ?

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I'm using older Sonar versions (not that it probably matters) and was wondering if somebody might have some ideas as to if/how I might achieve a command sequence with some kind of footswitch so I can focus on recording and not have to keep reaching for the mouse in between takes.  Specifically I want to be able to make the following sequence occur with one press of a footswitch:

- Undo Recording

- Rewind back to start marker

-  Begin recording

Thanks for any assistance,


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There are few ways that come to mind...

1. If you've got a Mackie Control Universal / Behringer BCF2000 (or any MCU compatible control surface with footswitch inputs), you can map the footswitch to commands within SONAR.

2. You can use MIDI bass pedals to map a MIDI note to a SONAR command within the key mappings section.

3. If you've got basic to intermediate electronics skills, it's pretty easy to create a custom MIDI controller with an arduino or PIC. One with a standard MIDI output is pretty straightforward. A class compliant USB based MIDI device is a bit more complicated (due to having to install the custom firmware and use a separate programmer on the Arduino), but still pretty straightforward for someone with basic electronics / programming skills.

4. If (3) above seems to complicated, you could either hack an old USB MIDI keyboard by soldering footswitches to some of the keys and use the method in (2), or hack an old USB computer keyboard and solder footswitches to some of the keys.

To be honest though, you do all of that using a KORG nanoKONTROL 2. I use one of these in my "vocal booth" (corner of my studio ?) - I have it stuck to the wall so I can control Cakewalk/SONAR while I'm doing vocal takes. 

You can pick these up pretty much everywhere (including Amazon) for around $50 / £40.

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Thanks msmcleod.

Ok, so what I think I'm hearing is that I can use a MIDI footswitch to do this if I have a MIDI input available on my DAW interface?  I have both so this is a potential solution.  If I have that understanding correct, then can someone please clarify if it is possible to perform a SEQUENCE of operations with one press of a footswitch and not just a single function?  (For example as, as initially mentioned,  Undo/Rewind/Record ?)



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Not with standard plug-ins. The problem is not only the sequence but also the delays between commands. F.e. the sequence you mention will not work reliably in case there is no significant (for computer) delays.

You can use AZ Controller (I can give you hints for that, delays are a bit tricky there). Or try your luck with some MIDI manipulation tools.

As the signal source you can use anything which somehow produce MIDI. F.e. a dedicated boards like Behringer BCF1010, many guitar processors which are able to output MIDI signals when operated or just pedals connected to MIDI keyboard. I have used middle and left pedals of my DP, distinguishing between "long" and "short" presses as well as simultaneous presses that provides more then just 2 commands...

But in case you have "extra" pedal on keyboard/DP, you can just use build-in Cakewalk MIDI assignments (keys are sending commands when pedal is pressed). You can not trigger sequences this way, but you can assign corresponding commands to nears keys (C,D,E) so it will be fast.

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15 minutes ago, azslow3 said:

Not with standard plug-ins. The problem is not only the sequence but also the delays between commands. F.e. the sequence you mention will not work reliably in case there is no significant (for computer) delays.

You can use AZ Controller (I can give you hints for that, delays are a bit tricky there). Or try your luck with some MIDI manipulation tools.

As the signal source you can use anything which somehow produce MIDI. F.e. a dedicated boards like Behringer BCF1010, many guitar processors which are able to output MIDI signals when operated or just pedals connected to MIDI keyboard. I have used middle and left pedals of my DP, distinguishing between "long" and "short" presses as well as simultaneous presses that provides more then just 2 commands...

But in case you have "extra" pedal on keyboard/DP, you can just use build-in Cakewalk MIDI assignments (keys are sending commands when pedal is pressed). You can not trigger sequences this way, but you can assign corresponding commands to nears keys (C,D,E) so it will be fast.

Don't forget you can bind a key or a MIDI note to a CAL script within key mappings.

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That's what I was wondering actually: If command sequences are not supported, then can something like a CAL script be created to do what I'm looking for.  My first possible solution to my dilemma that crossed my mind was "MIDI pedal and CAL script".  But while I'm familiar with both, I'm not very experienced, so that's why I wanted to pose a question and see what the experts on the forum might have to suggest....


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2 minutes ago, azslow3 said:

Can CAL script execute commands? And if yes, can it do sequences with significant delays?

There is a delay command within CAL.

If I remember correctly, I used the SendKeys DLL within CAL to send commands via key presses to Cakewalk. This was in the 32 bit days though, and I'm not sure if there's a 64 bit version readily available.

There is however a SendMidi command, so it might be possible to send a mapped MIDI event via a loopback MIDI device.

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Not sure if this is what your looking for :

Logidy UMI3 MIDI over USB Foot Controller:

Comes with a GUI interface to assemble and send multiple MIDI commands. 

I use one in my studio during guitar tracking. I got a good deal on mine at the time.

I liked programmable features. It`s been very useful. 


Edited by don belisle
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I use a wireless computer keyboard. The sequence i press to achieve the same thing are:

Space (stop) 

Ctrl z (undo recording) 

W (rewind to start) 

R (start recording) 


Much faster than doing the same with mouse. And no need to focus on the computer screen. 

Make sure the options are set such that "stop" stops at the time rather than stop and rewind to initial location (unless that is what you intend). 


Wei Liang 

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I use a few different USB foot switch’s all will do what you need. They are all programable with any combinations of keystrokes. They also retain the programs in static memory so once programed you can move them around. 

The best of them is the Stealth  because you can use up to 5 standard foot pedals the kind used for keyboards.  I got those from Amazon for $12 each. The other bonus is it has the most together software as well.   https://stealthswitch3.com/stealthswitch-3/   

I have that programmed to control playback of Win Amp for my now defunct live performances. 



For Cakewalk I’ve been using a cheap Chinese model I got on Amazon. It has 3 pedals. I have it programmed 





This one  below was my first I used for almost 15 years. Built like a tank and the company  sent me 3 new internal micro switches when one started to fail. I only got the stealth because I needed 4 switches. 



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