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I Did It My Way


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BTW, it is implied that the rat clobbered the cartoonist. It's his hand you can see under the star in the middle of the last panel.  Whenever the cartoonist makes bad puns, and he makes a lot of bad puns, the rat usually does something. Usually he just threatens.

I never read this comic in the paper because I didn't like the looks of it. It looked like juvenile stuff. Then I rented a movie about cartoonists, and I liked the interview with Stephan Pastis, the 'artist'.

Now that I read the paper online this one often gives me a grin. (I like bad puns)


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Down here in Florida it was My Way, In The Mood, or New York New York.

Actually I never got sick of playing them, just calling the tune. Once the music starts the 'right brain' turns off and I get lost in the enjoyment of making music. Familiar tunes are like comfort food, and challenging tunes are like fine cuisine.

The retirement, yacht club, country club end of the business here in South Florida is more reliable and profitable than the club gigs. There are so many open mic nights, karaoke nights, football nights, and so on, they only want to hire a band for 2 or 3 nights a week and the pay is terrible.  A duo is lucky to get 200/night there.

I can do 2 nights in "God's waiting room" and make more than I would doing 4-6 nights in a club. We charge up to 600/night depending on the gig. And we're married so the money goes to the same family.

I met her when she was in another band, we ended up in a band together when both our bands broke up, then we were in a trio, another 5 piece, and in the late 1980s we went duo and never looked back. I make my own backing tracks (I play sax, flute, wind synth, bass, drums, guitar, and some keys).

When we started doing the seniors in the 1990s it was Sinatra and Big Band tunes. Nice stuff, we would mix in some Ellington, Goodman, and Basie songs with the Sinatra, Dean Martin, and Glenn Miller tunes. But like I said, God's waiting room. They all 'graduated'.

Before long it was Elvis and 50s rock, then early Beatles, and now its 60-80s with some contemporary pop crossover to the retirement market. So the songs we need to play a lot are Brown Eyed Girl, Old Time Rock And Roll, Whiter Shade of Pale, and anything by Dylan, Janis, Clapton, or Motown and the others.

It's a nice way to make a living. I'm not a wage slave working for some faceless corporation (I'm free). I wake up in the morning, go to bed at night, and in between do what I like to do (I'm successful). I'm not rich, but contented.

I guess I'm doing life My Way aaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhh ???

I went a long way for that one, didn't I?

Seriously, I love my life!


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