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The End of My YouTube Channel

Reid Rosefelt

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I enjoy this video, especially starting at 3:16 where Reid engages in some dead pan humor. I get a kick out of in a tongue in cheek analysis of Louie Louie. The moments that I particularly enjoy are when Reid talks about chords, A, "the most awesome chord,"  D -- "it does the job; very little more" and E minor and "normally you want to avoid minor chords, because they're too sad." It gets even more off the wall when Reid starts hitting pans to play the song as he doesn't want his YouTube video banned due to playing the actual song. The face he makes after putting down the last pan is pretty amusing. I also enjoyed Reid's "session musician" tips. 

Although, on a related note, just in case anyone watching this gets confused, it's not a copyright violation to play a chord progression from a popular, copyrighted song.  A chord progression cannot be copyrighted (every song out today would be a violation of another song's chord progression if that were how copyright law worked in music) and YouTube won't take down your video if you simply play a chord progression from a popular song on your guitar. 


This  video contains one of Reid's songs and it's really just sweet and I love the photo which is of the Brooklyn Bridge, taken by one of his neighbors. The view is similar to what Reid would see if he sticks his head out of the window. 

So there you go. I do appreciate you Reid, in spite of the Samir video. 

Edited by PavlovsCat
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One thing I didn't understand is around 4:10 why you're referring to "singular email address"? Why not create an email account at a free (or paid) provider and configure it to forward email to your main address, then use this new address to create the second adsense account?



  • Great Idea 2
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20 hours ago, Eusebio Rufian-Zilbermann said:

One thing I didn't understand is around 4:10 why you're referring to "singular email address"? Why not create an email account at a free (or paid) provider and configure it to forward email to your main address, then use this new address to create the second adsense account?



Noooo... no funky business like that.  I'm not going to risk another channel just to risk getting pulled down again.  What I'm doing is totally legal by their rules.

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8 minutes ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

What's hilarious is that my video got over 3000 views in two days.   I'd be excited if one of my videos got even 100 views in a few days.  I have videos that have only reached 300 after many years.

As Bob Dylan wrote:  "There's no success like failure."  ?


You in the Big Time :D

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10 hours ago, Reid Rosefelt said:

Noooo... no funky business like that.  I'm not going to risk another channel

That's not what I was suggesting.

It should be possible to

1) Create a new email (and configure it to forward everything received there to your main email account, so that you don't end up having to read mail from multiple places)

2) Create a new personal adsense account using the new email address

3) move over your existing channel to this personal adsense account https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/7367146?hl=en

Anyway, I'm not trying to convince you to stay on YouTube. Personally I've had my disappointments with putting my creations on YouTube (for a different reason, their random application of US-centric cultural standards and disregard for other countries' culture, regarding bullfighting in particular). If this is the end of your YT account but the beginning of your Rumble and/or Odysee accounts, I'll be happy to subscribe to the new ones.

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I feel for you. That is nuts. What is nuttier is that THEY recommended you bypass their own protocols to get another channel! If they suggested that to you, then they obviously realize the system is broken. Or...

On a side note (possibly related)... Google took a hit from advertising losses last quarter, so there may be an underlying cost-cutting measure you are competing with. If they shave off costs from enough little guys, it helps their bottom line. Since they owe you money, I would suggest filing an FTC complaint. FTC does not respond to or investigate one-off complaints, but if enough complain about the same thing, they do. If what you are experiencing is affecting many, I would consider researching that variable, but be wary of them taking down any video on such since they own the sites.

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I think that Google makes a lot of money from unmonetized YouTube Channels.  The ones made by people before they become Partners, or the ones made by people who never became partners. 

i used to look at videos by a Japanese woman who did Beat Saber videos.  Millions of views.  But not many subscribers.  She wasn't a Partner. So YouTube kept it all.

I don't think it's then end of the world to them if there are ten thousand or a hundred thousand people like me who have make content--and now they don't have to share ad revenue with us.

But it's okay.  I'm excited about my new channel. 

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