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Cable Guys Shaperbox 3 Released

Brian Lawler

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More creativity. More mixing power.

ShaperBox 3 is your new go-to plugin for musical motion and mixing magic. Nine powerful Cableguys Shaper effects come together in one easy, modern interface.

Now with Audio Triggering, wild LiquidShaper flanger/phaser, Sidechain View in VolumeShaper, a beautifully redesigned browser, an even easier waveform editing system, and more.

$29 Upgrade $89 Sale Price.  Log in for upgrade price- Mine was $29 from Shaperbox 2





Edited by Brian Lawler
Correct pricing error
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  On 10/24/2022 at 7:24 PM, Onovoid said:

Is $39 right?


It looks like you are missing Liquidshaper and NoiseShaper from the full ShaperBox suite, so the price seems correct. Since the upgrade from the full bundle is $29, you are in fact getting two new plugins for $5 each, which sounds like a good deal to me.

Edit: The LiquidShaper is actually new to the bundle, so $10 for NoiseShaper. Still ok in my opinion.

Edited by pseudopop
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  On 10/25/2022 at 7:55 AM, kevin H said:

I upgraded for $29 while I wait to sell my kidney to afford buying Melda MXXX  ? 


Just as an aside -- I decided my Melda strategy would be to buy MXXX Core for fifty bucks on sale, and gradually add bits on deep discount to the core functionality. 

The upside is, I get to use and learn it for certain functions in the meantime, even though half the exciting fancy options are greyed (or redded, to be precise) out.

In the end, you still sell your kidney for it. But instead of yanking it out all at once, every couple of weeks you slice a little bit off with a cheese grater. I'll leave it to the reader whether that sounds more or less enjoyable as a customer experience.

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