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Editing and position of virtual instruments in timeline


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Another issue I am having difficulty with, so any help gratefully received:

1. I record or import some externally recorded audio tracks.

2. I add a virtual bass track and then freeze the synth.

3. To tidy the project up I shift all tracks left in the timeline so they start as close to the start og the timeline as possible.

4. I later wish to correct some slight timing errors in the bass track so I unfreeze it.

5. The midi bass track now shows up in its original possition before 3 above...I am therefore unable to play the other audio tracks and correct the bass track as the audio (the musical reference I need) is no longer playing in synch with the bass track unless I refreeze the bass synth...but then I can't edit the midi notes.


Can I change something somewhere (is there a setting?) to ensure this doesn't happen?


Edited by EDT
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Hi both, thanks. I think the prob I have is that I need to go back in later after freezing or bouncing to and work on the midi notes but after shifting the other audio tracks the midi track is no longer in the correct place.

Is there something I can do to link the midi and any audio track created from it so that moving one in the timeline moves both identically?


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  On 7/9/2019 at 6:02 AM, John said:

After you unfreeze and the MIDI track is where it was before why can't you just move it to where you want before you freeze it again? 


I tried and it wouldn't let me for some reason. In any case I would be moving it manually and it would still need to be manually lined up with the audio. Seems odd that in such sophisticated software that would be the only viable solution!

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Is there a good reason you are freezing midi tracks ? Are you low on CPU ?

The shift you are seeing is due to the way your soundcard Freezes/bounces data. In other words, its Latency. Unless you have a decent soundcard, freezing and unfreezing is going to be slightly off and not practical..

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