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I can't download Cakewalk



I've been trying to download Cakewalk for a week now but it keeps getting stuck at "downloading...(3/4)" and I am close to giving up. I've tried running it as an administrator, turning off my AV, restarting the download, and completely deleting BA and getting it back. I don't know what else to do to get it to completely install. The closest it's ever gotten to was 4/4 but it stuck there for a day.  Does anyone have any idea on how to get it to download completely and finally install? 


I have an ASUS ROG STRIX that's on windows 10 if that matters at all.

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i had a similar issue, where clicking install put me through the download stage, and then it seemed to stop working. the solution for me from then was to go into bandlab assistant settings, and open the system folder, where i found the setup files to run individually, starting with cakewalk core.

hope this helps

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Are you logging in with a dedicated login and password?  Or, authenticating using your Facebook or Google credentials? 

I had issues trying to use my Google login (Not at this site, another one) but it worked fine once I registered properly for the site.

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17 hours ago, Beckett said:

Still broken as of 2020 January. Tried for hours, every combination no success.


Have you tried uninstalling Bandlab Assistant.  Downloading the latest from here and then reinstalling.

Since 2018 (When Cakewalk by Bandlab was released) this has always worked for me.

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Cannot down load cakewalk. Windows 10. Ran as administrator. turned off Defender. New ( 3rd time )  download of bandlab.  No addons.. 0/1 download..

using 12% of the CPU , 180 Mb memory,  6Mbsec Internet, 0.8M of disk

Nothing being written to disk; not even a temp file.   This looks like a common problem.  Why cant you fix this? 



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2 minutes ago, pat battstone said:

using 12% of the CPU , 180 Mb memory,  6Mbsec Internet, 0.8M of disk

Nothing being written to disk; not even a temp file.   This looks like a common problem.  Why cant you fix this? 


Because there is nothing to fix.

The high majority of people on here (and in general) have been able to download and install Cakewalk by Bandlab using Band without any issues.

180MB ram and 800 kilobytes of disk?  Obviously, those are not your actual PC parameters.

It's got to be something going on with your PC.

Have you checked your system event viewer for some clues as to what that might be?

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16 hours ago, Promidi said:

Because there is nothing to fix.

The high majority of people on here (and in general) have been able to download and install Cakewalk by Bandlab using Band without any issues.

180MB ram and 800 kilobytes of disk?  Obviously, those are not your actual PC parameters.

It's got to be something going on with your PC.

Have you checked your system event viewer for some clues as to what that might be?

I think he was referring to the memory and storage used by the download process, and not his PC specs, as a guess.  :)

Is it possible that there is missing Windows Update maintenance to be applied?  To check, go to Settings > Update and Security, and look below the Check for Updates button - any optional updates, like cumulative ones, may need explicit action to actually begin their download and install, and perhaps that might help your downloads to work better.  Just a thought - and is a quick check, in any case.

Bob Bone

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On 4/29/2020 at 7:25 PM, Promidi said:

It's got to be something going on with your PC

Something on (or not on) his PC is possibly exposing a bug in the downloader, which, face it, ain't always the sharpest tool in the shed. If a program needs a specific missing library in order to function there are better ways to handle it than to go wandering among the daffodils. ?

Does BA store its downloads in c:\users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\bandlab-assistant\Downloads? If so, it might be worth checking there or wherever it does keep them to see if there might be an aborted download sitting around Cakeblocking the process. I recall that being a problem for some in the past.

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6 hours ago, Caio Cavalcanti said:

Same problem for me. Hangs on "Downloading ...4/5" and that's it!

You might want to try with no Add-ons are checked because 4/5 download is done in the case of you. If it works, try to install Add-ons in addition.

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I was having download problems.  Tried downloading and left the computer. Came back to nothing. No progress.  No 1/5, etc. No error codes.  Next time I pushed Download and stayed and watched; including watching performance on Task Manager.  Download never taxed the CPU; was only around 20% during download.  Took a long time (5 minutes, maybe?) to download first section and there was no indication that things were progressing good or bad.  But at some point, 1/5 changed to 2/5! Ditto through 5/5.

After 5/5, install proceeded but then a pop-up: "Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3."

I hit "retry" many times; using a larger hammer each time :) Then hit, "ignore" a few times.  Progress, but then... "Code execution cannot proceed because mfc120u.dll was not found. Reinstalling may fix..."  I ignored and proceeded.

This seemed to work. Each of the 5 Apps started extracting: "Setup Studio Instrument Suite--Extracting Files". Repeat for Drum Replacer. Melodyne (including more licensing...). Finally, the 5th app.  

And, while I haven't done too much yet, the program opens, seems to function.  Not sure when I'll bump into some missing DLL problem.

So... Basically--all worked--Just took much longer than I figured during that downloading...and not any status to reassure

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4 minutes ago, Mark Wilson said:

After 5/5, install proceeded but then a pop-up: "Unable to register the DLL/OCX: RegSvr32 failed with exit code 0x3."

This problem may come back to haunt you. Consider running uninstall from the BA meu where the Add Ons option is located, correcting the problem using this info

and reinstall CbB.

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I have tried to download this in the past without success.  And yesterday and last night I have tried with no success.  The members who say there isn't a problem aren't helping.     From the amount of posts it is clear there is a problem.  Figure it out and fix it please.  Thanks.

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5 hours ago, Mike Naughton said:

I have tried to download this in the past without success.  And yesterday and last night I have tried with no success.  The members who say there isn't a problem aren't helping.     From the amount of posts it is clear there is a problem.  Figure it out and fix it please.  Thanks.

Help us to help you.

What have you tried so far? (I ask this so we don't suggest things you've already tried) 


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My cakewalk installation was stuck at "downloading 4/5" for 6 hours today until I just now uninstalled and reinstalled the bandlab assistant and it was all installed within 5 minutes.

I had tried reinstalled the bandlab assistant earlier, but without uninstalling first. So perhaps the uninstall is the key? *shrug*

Hope that helps someone.

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11 hours ago, Mike Naughton said:

I have tried to download this in the past without success.  And yesterday and last night I have tried with no success.  The members who say there isn't a problem aren't helping.     From the amount of posts it is clear there is a problem.  Figure it out and fix it please.  Thanks.

With respect, there may be 30 people struggling to install, but there are 3 million who had no problems.

If you look at the posts where people eventually succeeded it is almost always
a) not installing BandLab Assistant as administrator
b) a missing Visual C++ redistributable
c) downloading the addons at the same time as the app
d) a missing dll.

The first is human error, the others are Windows problems. Windows is the source of many, many problems.

Edited by Nigel Mackay
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Make that 31. Ok, so this last comment by Nigel was helpful, and a few things I can try. Clearly not the most helpful download process after nearly 24 hours in california, as it doesn't show percentage. And I didn't see instructions to install as admin, but I can try that now. Even instructions to add add ons later would save people some time. Thanks. 

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