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Any More Word On Cclarry?

Tim Smith

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2 hours ago, Larry Shelby said:

I'm still around...and just because I'm not logged in doesn't mean I don't read the forum!

Thanx for caring and asking!

Where's the hug button?

Glad you are doing just fine.

If you were here and not posting deals that would be nice darling.


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If Larry never posted another deal here, but just stayed around for the camaraderie,  I think we'd all agree, he's done more than anyone else to make this forum worthwhile and be grateful for his presence here.  A lot of us -- including me -- would never have stuck around here all this time (look at how many long timers don't even use Cakewalk anymore,  but still come back to this section of the forum) without Larry. 

If there was a Forum Hall of Fame, Larry would be in on the first ballot, unanimously.  That goes far beyond your great sharing of deals, we've gotten to like and care about you,  Larry. I find it moving to see how many people have expressed how much they miss you in around a dozen threads since you last posted. I'm a huge believer in kindness and letting people know that you appreciate them, and Larry, you know well that I appreciate you. I just hope you take all of this in.

You and I have had a number of really nice, encouraging PMs over the years, and you've told me that you see this group as family. I have spent more time at this forum than others because most of the people here are really kind. But, of course,  there will always be exceptions. We just need to put them into perspective. Overall, I still think this is a great place and I have been really impressed by the outpouring of people sharing how much they like,  miss and appreciate you.  Of course,  you know that includes me (just check your PMs here and on Facebook for confirmation!). 

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imagine there's a few wallets that didn't miss him, but despite multiple panicked discount options, partnerships, etc, the real reason is PA's sales went so far downhill after he left that they had to bribe (recruit) him out of hiatus...(jmo).

Edited by jackson white
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