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Hey awesome Cakewalk peeps!

Here is my latest song I just made the first mix of today.

Comments and suggestions are welcome, this is still a work in progress.

I have not recorded the electric guitar solos yet for it and there might be some mix changes as well.

I hope you enjoy this new song!

Best to you!


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Thank you for the awesome awesome awesome comments peeps!

I have added the guitar leads. I hope you like the changes and I hope the final tweaks to the mix are good as well!

All the best to you Cakewalk friends!

Rex ????


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I like the way the track builds to a crescendo (love the harp) and then drops back again - killer vocal as always.

Minor crit - not sure I was a huge fan of the panning of the lead guitar around the mid-point, but it might have been accentuated by listening on headphones. Seemed to suddenly disappear in one ear and then appear in the other rather than fading between left and right and 'travelling' across your head (if you know what I mean); I'm probably not explaining it very well.

However, overall, I thought it was a great track.


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6 hours ago, AndyB01 said:

I like the way the track builds to a crescendo (love the harp) and then drops back again - killer vocal as always.

Minor crit - not sure I was a huge fan of the panning of the lead guitar around the mid-point, but it might have been accentuated by listening on headphones. Seemed to suddenly disappear in one ear and then appear in the other rather than fading between left and right and 'travelling' across your head (if you know what I mean); I'm probably not explaining it very well.

However, overall, I thought it was a great track.


I need to listen to it in headphones and see if i can detect what you mean.

The song is still a WIP so I can make any changes, it will soon pass that deadline so it is good to know this now rather than later. 

Thank you very much Andy for the alert on the guitar lead panning.

Best to you!

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 Rex , I love the swelling guitars. I especially liked the drums when they first came in and the pattern they were playing. I think it was the timing of the snare that really got me when it came in. I agree with Andy about some of the sweeping guitar panning. Sounds good but a little rushed at times. I'm on the fence about how wide some of the vocal harmony's are. I watched one of your videos where you were cleaning up a "massive" amount of vocal takes and organizing them. I noticed that a lot of the harmony's and doubles were panned hard L/R. You usually achieve a Great "wide" mix , especially with the big swelling harmony sections . I'm just wondering if quieter sections would sound better with narrower vocal panning ??  I'm never sure of anything until I start twisting knobs.  Fantastic start on another Great one .        Loved it ..   mark  


Edited by mark skinner
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