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Lonely Boy (back to the Blues)

freddy j

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I went way "back in the alley" to pull off  this  song.  My inspiration was a song done back in 1956 called "Ain't Got No Home" which was  done by Clarence "Frogman" Henry.  I think that this song does not sound anything like the Frogman's but I did borrow from the concept or idea.   Besides  --   unlike the Frogman --- I can not sing like a girl or like a frog.  However, I hope that I captured some of the fun and mood of of his song.

It is a simple song with two rhythm guitars (chords and notes), another guitar for accents and the lead break, bass guitar, drums and vocals.  I used the Amplitude 1957 Fender guitar amp in hopes of getting some of the grit that seemed to be present in the R & B guitar sounds of that era.

For you old guys maybe you might remember Mr. Henry's original song (when you were a wee bit of a rug rat like me).  For you young guys maybe it might introduce you to an R & B song that became a crossover hit.

I have learned a lot from the comments, suggestions, crit.'s, etc. that I have received from y'all and would appreciate  your input for this one.




Edited by freddy j
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Keep on keeping on my brother. You are roots rock, R&B, blues, rockabilly, etc, rolled up in one big package!

Its always Christmas Day for me when I hear a new one from Freddy J. I remember the little listening booths at Wallich’s Music City, grooving’ to the latest singles…




Sam and I are both smiling’..,

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all my apologies for be tardy with my responses.  I have been dealing with contractors in having some repairs done to my house.  These repairs were interrupted by Hurricane Ian.  This caused a bit more of a delay but now have been completed (yea!!)

Hi Dream Arts Scientists:  Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment.  Very much appreciated!!

Hey John B.  Thanks very much for your kind words.  Although I was too young to understand it or really appreciate this kind of music, it is the music that I loved it at a very early age.  I guess it was all that rhythm that grabbed me.  There are a few pockets in the USA and particularly in the UK and Europe that appreciate this fossil music.  YouTube has some great videos that shows relatively recent events where the oldsters and kids are digging the sounds.  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments.

Hi Nigel.  Thanks very much and I am glad that you liked this number.  BTW, I very much liked your recent post with the new sound!

Hey Old Joad.  I only wish I had access to their studio and some of the talent that played there.  It would be a great learning experience!  Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment!!

Hey tom!  Thanks very much for your kind words and for your encouragement!!!  You are right!  The frogman must be appreciated. Here is a link to Mr. Henry's song that was the inspiration for this song.

Hi Lynn.  Thanks for listening my friend.  Thanks for the very kind words and encouragement.  I'm looking forward to some new posts by you.

Hi Lynn.  Thanks for listening my friend.  Thanks for the very kind words and encouragement.  I'm looking forward to some new posts by you.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve.  Some day I'll come out of "back in the alley" and come into the sunshine of the present.  However, at least for now, I'm having too much fun in the alley.  I have come to really like the Fender collection and in particular the Fender 1957 Deluxe.  Thanks very much for taking the time to listen and comment!

Hi Rik.  Thanks very much for listening and taking the time to comment. I have always found, that even though the subject of  a Blues song can be sad, I always feel better after listening.  I believe that B B King always promoted the same idea.  Thanks again!!

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Hi Bjorn,  Thanks very much for the kind words and encouragement.  They are very much appreciated!

Hey Jesse.  Thanks very much pal -- I was going for some grit!  I have also used (not on  this song) an an old VST plugin which has been upgraded to X64.  It is the California Sun which a take on the old mid 1950's Fenders and it has a nice raw sound.

Hi Hidden Symmetry.  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind comments.  I'm glad that you liked it!

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