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Earthquake in California...


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A 6.4 for Searles Valley  - about 160 miles from my location.

Look like that location has had a lot of minor recent activity lately.

Searles Valley has had: (M1.5 or greater)
8 earthquakes in the past 24 hours
10 earthquakes in the past 7 days
38 earthquakes in the past 30 days
307 earthquakes in the past 365 days

with this being biggest of the batch

Edited by TheSteven
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I just watched my usual YouTube channel where the guy predicted the Cali earthquake (first 6+ in, what, ten years?).  Expect more coming.  Possibly in the Pacific Northwest (perhaps between Medford and Roseberg) and/or northern Cali (San Jose/San Francisco).  Then the flow of energy should head east towards Yellowstone, along the crayton edge down to Texas then up to Oklahoma and over to the east coast.

I've been watching this guy's channel off-and-on for years and his logic makes complete sense (let alone his accuracy!).  This the video after the quake, but I watched his prior one first after the Canadian quake.


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Thirty years ago my girlfriend and I moved to Los Angeles.  A pretty big earthquake woke us up a few weeks after moving. We freaked, and got up and ran into the street. We were the only people out there. After a year, when a earthquake hit, we would just lie in bed, and ride it out. F*****g earthquake...

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Heh, yep! I had a roommate who always tried to play them off by doing this:


I found myself close to the epicenters of five major Southern California earthquakes between 1971 and 1994 ranging from a 6.5 to a 7.3 (the only quake I've ever stood in a doorway for).

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Actually a 7.1 very near yesterday's location (Ridgecrest, CA).  The energy is currently trapped under the Coso Volcanic Field and, if it doesn't start moving (probably east towards Nevada then down to Texas), there will be more activity.  Potential areas are north towards San Jose/San Francisco and even up closer to me in Oregon (actually in southern Oregon between Medford and Roseburg where there's been a lot of "vibrations" off the Juan De Fuca plate).

Stay safe guys!

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I'll reveal a Californian secret: we play up the earthquake thing because it's one of the few things that keeps people from the rest of the country from flocking here and making the housing crisis even more unbearable.

If you look at the statistics for injury, death, and property damage, ice storms, tornadoes, floods and just plain nasty weather are WAY more destructive, by an insane factor.

In the past three decades in California earthquakes have killed exactly one person, who died of a heart attack because they were afraid of earthquakes.

But all it takes is a little shake that knocks a picture off the wall and relatives from the East Coast (where dozens die each Winter in ice storms and car accidents caused by bad weather) phone up wanting to know if we're okay, despite the news reports saying that there were no injuries.

We actually welcome these smaller tremors because they mean  the plates are releasing energy. The longer we go without an earthquake, the more of our gold records and Oscar Awards fall on the floor when the next one finally happens.

Yep, huge cracks opening up and swallowing cars all over the place! It's horrible! Oh, the humanity! ?

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Of course there have been very few casualties, the last time there were earthquakes like this week's was 1994 and before!  I knew people who were killed during the Northridge quake when their apartment complex pancaked...

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4 hours ago, craigb said:

Of course there have been very few casualties, the last time there were earthquakes like this week's was 1994 and before!  I knew people who were killed during the Northridge quake when their apartment complex pancaked...

My bad, 25 years. I was thinking Loma Prieta and forgot about Northridge 5 years later.

Sorry to hear about your friends. That's awful. That style of apartment building is (or was) common around SoCal when I was a kid, I can't tell you how many school friends lived in them. Not seen as much up here, but they exist.  3 stories with a 2-story overhang up on steel pipes over a carport.  Sturdy as long as the force is all straight down, but I guess crap if it starts moving side to side. Nothing to stop  the 2-story section from just falling off the pipe poles.

Was there ever a good retrofit designed to prevent that or do they just not allow architects to build them?

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7 hours ago, TheSteven said:

Reminds me of a bumper sticker I once saw:
Welcome to California!
Now go home - and take a friend.

Well, although I am a native Californian, I don't care for such sentiments. The belief/attitude that people who colonized or inhabited a place first have greater claim to it than those who arrived later or whose ancestors arrived later than other people's ancestors has done so much horrible damage to humanity in the past that I recoil from it. I think it's poison, and that bumper sticker is rude and unfriendly.

Notice I "reveal" the actual  numbers behind the "secret" when I make that joke. This is so that our beloved state can continue to attract people who are good at math, probability, and statistics. Anyone who is smart enough to realize that it's highly unlikely that they will be harmed by an earthquake will be welcomed by me. So will anyone else for that matter. Once they "survive" a couple of quakes and notice that nobody else is freaking out they will calm down like the rest of their fellow Californians. ?

The first state that I noticed making a big deal about the "native" thing was Colorado, during the '80's (surprise). My mom moved there around '81 or so and I noticed all these bumper stickers that had the green and white motif and mountain outline of the Colorado license plate, and read "NATIVE."

Then  I started to see other ones in the same style. The first one was "ALIEN," which I thought was a good start, then there were a variety of obligatory geek ones like  "HOBBIT,"  "JEDI,"  and "VULCAN," and then "WHO CARES?" which became my favorite. Then. Finally. I saw the winning entry, the one I had been thinking of myself, the one I would actually put on my own bumper, which was "NAIVE."

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