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Can't Fade midi tracks


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I must be missing something obvious however I cannot set up fades on Midi tracks. No problem with audio tracks getting the flag to show at end or beginning of clip but no luck with any virtual instrument tracks?

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A lot of synths (both hardware and software based), don't respond to volume changes for notes that are already playing, and only apply the changed volume to notes played after the volume change message.

In some cases, you can get around this by using CC #11 (expression) instead - which certainly worked on Roland devices, but this doesn't quite work the same as volume (the min/max is relative to the current volume, not the max volume), and isn't supported by every synth.

I'd follow @Lord Tim's advice, and use fades on the audio track instead.

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What are you going to do when your soft synth doesn’t work anymore?  Alchemy was my main synth but is no longer viable.  I’ve updated my computer and my rapture and pro as well as dimension won’t work without work.  

always convert your midi to audio and you won’t loose your song.  Even if you switch DAWS.

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