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Several questions regarding Bandlab operation...

Rok TheKasbah


Is there a pre/post setting to set mutes to toggle midi events of tracks  instead of muting the console channels, so that decay on virtual instruments and reverb etc. will continue to sound properly after mute.


Is it possible to assign external buttons/pads etc on a controller keyboard/surface to toggle mutes of different tracks on or off. If so, what is the name of the function/preference setting etc. in the DAW that facilitates this.


Is there a way to temporarily mute events in a track but allow the controller keyboard to still trigger sound from the virtual instrument on that track during song playback so you can try out alternate ideas for that track, and not hear the events that are already recorded on that track.


Is there a setting to only have the track you have selected be the track that records/plays sound, and not also the track you were previously selected on recording sound. I understand i can manually deselect/disarm the previous track I was working on after I select a new track I want to work on, but is there a setting that allows you to just select the track you want to work on, and then have that be the only track that is selected.


Similarly, is there a setting to just be able to arm a track for recording by just clicking one record button that is right next to the solo and mute buttons of a given track, and not have to also the click the record button in the transport to arm a track for recording.


Is there a setting to have the console open to a normal free floating window every time you select "view console",  instead of automatically docking to the multidock, because even after I undock the window, the click and drag the height and width of the window, as soon as I try to then move the window to the top of the screen so I can see the entire console from top to bottom, the window re-docks itself at the top of the multidock, making it so I cant see the entire console again. The only way I can see the entire console is to maximize the window, full screen, but then I dont have access to the transport or the tools for choosing between select, move, etc.


Is there a setting to keep the tap tempo window floating, or a setting to add a tap tempo module to the transport area.  I have figured out how to access it through the  tempo track, but I dont like keeping that track open because I never alter the tempo in the timeline of the song, and it is also multiple clicks to get there.


Is there a way to turn off the little bubble that pops up over the timeline bar that gives an exact readout of the minutes/seconds etc when hovering over the timeline bar? I cant see the edges of the loop region or other selection region to grab them and move them because the bubble is in the way, or is there a different approach that prevents that.


Is there a way to alter the properties of midi events in real time that are coming in to the DAW to calibrate the velocity curve to suit particular keyboards or playing styles. The controller keyboard I am currently using does not have this feature internally unfortunately.


Thanks for any answers to these questions if you happen to know them!   : )

Edited by Rok TheKasbah
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5 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a way to alter the properties of midi events in real time that are coming in to the DAW to calibrate the velocity curve to suit particular keyboards or playing styles. The controller keyboard I am currently using does not have this feature internally unfortunately.

Not sure this is what you are looking for, but there are Cakewalk and third-party MIDI Effects (aka MFX) such as Cakewalk's MFX Velocity.  You can find that in the Browser Module > Plugins Tab > MIDI FX Button.

See also Variorum's Velocity Compander and MultiCompander

Some related discussion: 


Edited by User 905133
to post relevant links that might be of interest
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5 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a way to turn off the little bubble that pops up over the timeline bar that gives an exact readout of the minutes/seconds etc when hovering over the timeline bar? I cant see the edges of the loop region or other selection region to grab them and move them because the bubble is in the way, or is there a different approach that prevents that.

Aim Assist 


Tip: You can also toggle Aim Assist on/off with a key binding. For information about assigning key bindings, see Key bindings.


Edited by User 905133
To quote the tip from the Aim Assist document
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5 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a setting to have the console open to a normal free floating window every time you select "view console",  instead of automatically docking to the multidock, because even after I undock the window, the click and drag the height and width of the window, as soon as I try to then move the window to the top of the screen so I can see the entire console from top to bottom, the window re-docks itself at the top of the multidock, making it so I cant see the entire console again. The only way I can see the entire console is to maximize the window, full screen, but then I dont have access to the transport or the tools for choosing between select, move, etc.

Not sure if you are familiar with Screensets (a per project UI layout tool) and Workspaces (a UI and features availability tool that affects all projects).  There are benefits and drawbacks to each and users have their own personal workflow preferences.

I am very biased towards using Workspaces.  I have made extensive use of custom Workspaces even though I only learned enough to be able to do the things that motivated me.  In my experience, there are many curves over hilly and rocky terrain in learning to use Workspaces.  For me, the time spent doing a deep dive was worth it.  But Screensets might meet your needs here.

There are many posts in the forum with excellent advice on how to use both Screensets and Workspaces.


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6 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a pre/post setting to set mutes to toggle midi events of tracks  instead of muting the console channels, so that decay on virtual instruments and reverb etc. will continue to sound properly after mute.

You can mute selected MIDI clip or you can split an Instrument track into MIDI and Audio tracks, then you can mute just MIDI track (but check "Smart mute").

6 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is it possible to assign external buttons/pads etc on a controller keyboard/surface to toggle mutes of different tracks on or off. If so, what is the name of the function/preference setting etc. in the DAW that facilitates this.

You can right click on Mute button and select "Remote control...". But that feature is not the best approach. Better use Control Surface plug-ins ("ACT MIDI" and "Generic" will do the trick in Banks, "AZ Controller" has more options).

6 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a way to temporarily mute events in a track but allow the controller keyboard to still trigger sound from the virtual instrument on that track during song playback so you can try out alternate ideas for that track, and not hear the events that are already recorded on that track.

Apart from mentioned "mute clip", you can have several MIDI tracks pointing to the same synth. So you can mute the track with content but still play throw another one.

6 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a setting to only have the track you have selected be the track that records/plays sound, and not also the track you were previously selected on recording sound. I understand i can manually deselect/disarm the previous track I was working on after I select a new track I want to work on, but is there a setting that allows you to just select the track you want to work on, and then have that be the only track that is selected.

Similarly, is there a setting to just be able to arm a track for recording by just clicking one record button that is right next to the solo and mute buttons of a given track, and not have to also the click the record button in the transport to arm a track for recording.

You can use "Automatically record arm" feature:


If you are going to use AZ Controller (for custom muting, f.e. by track names), you can also add "Exclusive record arm":


6 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a way to alter the properties of midi events in real time that are coming in to the DAW to calibrate the velocity curve to suit particular keyboards or playing styles. The controller keyboard I am currently using does not have this feature internally unfortunately.

Apart from mentioned plug-ins, there is  my own: https://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,275.0.html

Note that some similarity (MFX plug-ins, SMF as a forum framework...) are just coincidence. I am NOT the person behind https://viramor.com/ ;)


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Thanks for the answers so far, they are very helpful. ?

If the midi plugins filter in real time, that will be a huge improvement to my current setup.

So if I understand correctly in order to have a mute work properly, each track will need it's own additional redundant midi track just to press the mute button and have the instrument decay properly?   ?

I will give that a try as a work around, and hopefully it will at least get me through the projects I need to accomplish with Bandlab.

Thanks again for the answers so far, knowledge is power!  ?


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7 minutes ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

So if I understand correctly in order to have a mute work properly, each track will need it's own additional redundant midi track just to press the mute button and have the instrument decay properly?   ?

If you want mute to work as you want, you need to show both tracks. I mean:

  • mute is working properly, but you want it work unusual way (so you need to disable "smart mute")
  • "simple" track is internally 2 tracks, which can be shown as one. You do not created redundancy when you decompose simple tracks.

If you want mute MIDI track but still be able to play live, you will need "redundant" track for MIDI input. Note that is also unusual, till in recording. For recording that is supported without extra track.

That is not a "work around", that is a possibility foreseen by Cakewalk developers to do what you have asked for.

More natural and so default approach is to mute the track when it should be really muted (so instantly), mute/delete the content (item or take) if it should not play and choose desired mode for recording.

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AZslow, thanks for your efforts.

7 hours ago, azslow3 said:
  • "simple" track is internally 2 tracks, which can be shown as one. You do not created redundancy when you decompose simple tracks.


I searched "simple" track on this forum and google for bandlab and the only reference that came up was your mention of it. Are you saying that I can set up the midi track feeding the instrument track, but have both of those tracks appear as one track? If so that would clean up a lot of clutter in the arrangement view and make it easier to navigate around.


7 hours ago, azslow3 said:


That is not a "work around", that is a possibility foreseen by Cakewalk developers to do what you have asked for.

What I was referring to here is that this used to be a standard function in the workflow of composing with MIDI, in particular Cakewalk 3.1.

You used to be able to mute tracks on and off while looping and since the sequencer was only regulating the midi events themselves, and the synths and drum machines etc were independent from the sequencer and mixer etc, when you would mute events on and off, the decay and effects etc would continue properly.

It is actually a very effective creative tool for finding different combinations and building arrangements. And you would not need to set up an extra track for every track in the project to do this.

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1 hour ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

I searched "simple" track on this forum and google for bandlab and the only reference that came up was your mention of it. Are you saying that I can set up the midi track feeding the instrument track, but have both of those tracks appear as one track? If so that would clean up a lot of clutter in the arrangement view and make it easier to navigate around.

"Simple instrument track" is how Cakewalk call it: https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=SoftSynths.05.html

I prefer to think about it as "Simple (instrument track)",  and use "Instrument (track)" for synth output tracks(s),  "Synth" for an instrument in the synth rack. Not as bad as with ACT, but just "Instument" term is ambiguous is Cakewalk.

Synth is always separate thing in Cakewalk, unlike in other DAWs where synthes are effectively handled as FXes. And they need at least 2 tracks, one MIDI with output to the synth and one Audio with input from the synth. "Simple instrument track" is visually merged representation of (one) input MIDI track and (one) output Audio track. Most controls (including Mute) in Simple tracks are for Audio track.

You can split simple tracks or combine related tracks into simple at any time. I repeat, that is just visual representation and so there are no changes in the project (all settings and routing are preserved).

You can manipulate the content  independent from tracks. That includes events, items, takes and Matrix.

To find combinations and try different arrangements live, explore Matrix. Another approach is using take lanes with Comping. There are videos on YouTube about both features.


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USER 905133...I found the aim assist and turned off that bubble that obscures the timeline increments.  would have never found it before because the setting was not found in any of myriad of different places that have preferences, or views, or options etc, but rather it was found under the subheading of the the "edit" menu. 

Any way thank you so much finally that bubble is gone!   : )

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On 8/4/2022 at 11:35 PM, Rok TheKasbah said:

Is there a setting to keep the tap tempo window floating, or a setting to add a tap tempo module to the transport area.

I don't get along so well with Cakewalk's tap tempo function, so I asked Vojtech of Meldaproduction to please add a tap tempo button to MMetronome from the FreeFX Bundle and bless his heart, he did.

So when I just want to work out a tempo without messing about with the Tempo Track, I add MMetronome to an audio track and use it instead.

You'll find 36 other FX and utilities in that bundle as well, many of which I consider essential, some of which I consider best in their class.

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1 hour ago, Starship Krupa said:

I don't get along so well with Cakewalk's tap tempo function, so I asked Vojtech of Meldaproduction to please add a tap tempo button to MMetronome from the FreeFX Bundle and bless his heart, he did.

interesting, so this is a plugin|? is it linked to cakewalks internal tempo somehow and you can see the tempo change in cakewalks tempo module?


Thanks so much for the tip!  : )

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2 minutes ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

interesting, so this is a plugin|? is it linked to cakewalks internal tempo somehow and you can see the tempo change in cakewalks tempo module?

It's a plug-in, and free to use at that. It's part of my favorite freeware FX package, the one I install first on any DAW system I set up, MFreeFX Bundle.

It's a good introduction to the world of Meldaproduction's processors. You can upgrade the package for $60 to add some features, but those features aren't essential to their operation. The package includes other utilities as well, such as a polyphonic tuner (with a pitch to MIDI converter!), noise generator, signal generator, oscilloscope, loudness analyzer, stereo image analyzer, and more. That's not to mention the huge gift bag of audio processors, from EQ and compressor through an AutoTune-alike vocal pitch corrector, crazy filters and a spectral panner (whatever that is).

Excellent sounding stuff and very light on system resources. The rest of the Meldaproduction line follows suit.

A few times a year, they have a sale where all bundles are priced at 50% off. This includes the FreeFX Bundle upgrade. During these sales, you can get the upgrade for around $10. The recipe is: sign up for their newsletter, which gets you a 10 euro credit. Use my referral coupon, MELDA1923165 which gets you 20% off your first purchase, and is applied after the 50% discount.

Of course, if you take a look and decide you want to snag a more expensive bundle when they come around, sit on the referral coupon, because it can only be used once.

Unfortunately, the tempo information only goes one way: the plug-in can get it from the DAW, but not the other way around. So you have to tap out the tempo and type it into Cakewalk's tempo box. Kinda clumsy, but takes only seconds.

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That might be worth doing if I am able to use a key from a controller keyboard to tap out the tempo. Using a mouse is excruciating, and it feels like I need to intentionally rush the tmpo slightly to get the proper tempo when clicking a mouse, I think because the extra travel of the mouse click is slightly interfering with perception of timing.

Would be sweet to just have an accessible tap tempo button in the metronome module though.   ?

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3 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

That might be worth doing if I am able to use a key from a controller keyboard to tap out the tempo. Using a mouse is excruciating, and it feels like I need to intentionally rush the tmpo slightly to get the proper tempo when clicking a mouse, I think because the extra travel of the mouse click is slightly interfering with perception of timing.

Would be sweet to just have an accessible tap tempo button in the metronome module though.   ?

You can use your keyboard. Tap the space bar:


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Kurre...Thanks so much for the project>insert tempo change tip!

That is so much better than opening tempo track to get to the tap tempo function. Do you know if this can be assigned to a shortcut key?

Tap tempo should still be an integrated module in the transport area however. Just sayin!   : )

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