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Export Tempo Changes

Bajan Blue

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On occasions when I have tempo changes in a project, if I am sending this out to someone else, who is probably not using Cakewalk, I used to copy the tempo change details from the table on the right side of the tempo map - I just went to do this, and the table has gone!! I've had a good look around to see if i can get it back, but no luck.

It was definitely there in a previous version of Cakewalk and it seems to have moved / been removed from the latest version

Anyone know how to get this table back or another way to export the Tempo Changes?




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Thanks, this is a good idea when sending out a project, will keep this in mind and I am sure will be useful.

What I need in this instance,  is when the tempo changes happen,  to give to our new vocalist - i will only be sending him an audio track - he will probably work it out anyway, but i thought it would be nice to give him a heads-up!!!




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@Bajan Blue - some things to bear in mind:

1. The tempo map has been replaced by a tempo track, which allows you to edit your tempo as an envelope.
2. Although the tempo inspector show a list of tempo changes, it isn't the same thing as the old tempo map.  Instead it's a list representation of the tempo nodes, and the envelope shapes connecting them.  If you're using jump shapes, then there's pretty much no difference between the two... however, if you have a section where you're speeding up or slowing down, the inspector will just show the start/end tempos and the curve type, rather than every single value in between like the old tempo map used to.

Here's a more detailed explanation of the changes and how they work:  


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