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Wavelengths (ambient pop music)

Larry T.

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greetings all....here is latest CbB creation called Wavelengths (ambient pop music)....comments, critiques, questions welcomed....here we go....





DAW: Cakewalk by Bandlab

 pc: windows 10, i7-4770 CPU @ 3.40 GHz, 8GB ram, acoustic and electric guitars, bass guitar, focusrite scarlett solo, arturia minilab mkII, arturia analog lab 5 lite, arturia augmented strings lite, CbB effects

reference speakers: M-Audio BX3

website: https://larryterrano.bandcamp.com/

Special Thanks to Mike Enjo at #creativesauce on You Tube whose incredible videos on how to use CbB made this possible

Edited by Larry T.
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On 7/24/2022 at 5:17 AM, Wookiee said:

Interesting enough, not sure the open closed HH worked but it is your track.

Thanks Wookiee. I love odd time signatures so i put a few bars of the HH in, i have no idea what time signature the HH hits are in other than being off beat but they do fit if you listen closely ????

Edited by Larry T.
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On 7/24/2022 at 8:17 AM, Bajan Blue said:


Nice mix and I enjoyed the listen





Thanks Nigel....i did 25 mixes to get the music to this point....this  piece is the longest i've spent on one song (about 2 months) and i finally see how much time and effort it takes to get a mix sounding as balanced, eq'ed, edited, volume corrected, produced, etcetera....the piece consists of about 32 different tracks (including aux busses)....appreciate the listen ????

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It's a pleasant listen, and I'm glad you are enjoying the process! I agree, and for me these efforts always require a thousand hours when I go in thinking it will be one.

Around 2:34 a mischording perhaps?

the theme you had going in the 4:20's area and later was really a winner. Loved it.

Got drums? would be my only other idea.

 nice one!



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On 7/25/2022 at 10:09 AM, PhonoBrainer said:

It's a pleasant listen, and I'm glad you are enjoying the process! I agree, and for me these efforts always require a thousand hours when I go in thinking it will be one.

Around 2:34 a mischording perhaps?

the theme you had going in the 4:20's area and later was really a winner. Loved it.

Got drums? would be my only other idea.

 nice one!



thanks Tom....i think the sounds you mean at 2:34 are an acoustic guitar, electric guitar, and synth electric piano doing two beats of a D aug triad and 1 beat of an F major triad, i should have cleaned up those three played in unison better via volume adjustments....the outro i wrote back in 1978 or so with the rest of the song written over the last two months....i would love to put drums on it but don't have the time yet, i hope to be able to get a small drum kit and play/record them live but that's a ways off....thanks again!!!! ????

Edited by Larry T.
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On 7/27/2022 at 5:05 AM, daryl1968 said:

I really enjoyed this Larry.

A relaxing listen. I am also not sure about the high hats - I'm not sure they're required. I like the ride 

Thanks daryl....i really wanted to use mallets on cymbals for the segue's between a few sections but i don't have mallets on cymbals (or couldn't find them) on any of the VST's i have....i tried using SI Drums and Analog Lab V Lite VST sticks on cymbals but it wasn't the right feel.... anyone know if the CbB SI Drums have mallets hidden somewhere in them?? ????

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Hi Larry,  
Satisfying listen over all but I think the different sections need to fit together better?  
Something like that.  I really like the strummed guitar notes at the beginning.
I like your enthusiasm and sticking with it even though the process can get frustrating.

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On 7/30/2022 at 11:21 PM, bjornpdx said:

Hi Larry,  
Satisfying listen over all but I think the different sections need to fit together better?  
Something like that.  I really like the strummed guitar notes at the beginning.
I like your enthusiasm and sticking with it even though the process can get frustrating.

Thanks Bjorn....the sections fitting together was one of the biggest problems in this production....the piece is called "Wavelengths" so, i tried to set the stage for a varied, yet cohesive experience....it sure doesn't have the flow of "Like a Rolling Stone" or "California Love"....it's more of "A Passion Play" or "Supper's Ready" type thing....i tried to find a drum VST that has mallets on cymbal to use in a few segues , but all i found was drum sticks on cymbal which wasn't the feel i wanted....cheers!!!! ????

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I've said it once before, and I'll say it once again; what is ambient pop?
Don't take this as I'm dissing all your hard work; that part I get.
This genre? Not so much...

I hear at least two separate pieces here; but that's just me.
And most definitely some drums kicking in (at 4:10 maybe it was?),
a kind of Bonham bruising sort of thing. (just me)

So in summary, held me to the end; enjoyed your work!
(just didn't here a lot of ambiance [chorus for sure] or "pop"; maybe all my taste is in my mouth ?)

Keep up the good work...


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On 8/1/2022 at 3:27 PM, DeeringAmps said:

I've said it once before, and I'll say it once again; what is ambient pop?
Don't take this as I'm dissing all your hard work; that part I get.
This genre? Not so much...

I hear at least two separate pieces here; but that's just me.
And most definitely some drums kicking in (at 4:10 maybe it was?),
a kind of Bonham bruising sort of thing. (just me)

So in summary, held me to the end; enjoyed your work!
(just didn't here a lot of ambiance [chorus for sure] or "pop"; maybe all my taste is in my mouth ?)

Keep up the good work...


thanks Tom....ambient pop is.....the genre name i give to the songs i'm now creating....they are instrumentals, can be quirky, no words (although choirs are cool), generally have little to no drums/percussion (because to get the drum sounds i used to have in them by playing a real kit is now a task that just takes too much time and effort for me now although light percussion is used), usually not more than 74 beats per minute, with the goal of giving the listener a sense of peace, relaxation, enjoyment and, hopefully, happiness and inspiration....

Wavelengths is meant to be a slightly fractured piece as implied by the title with different and perhaps disjointed motifs entering and exiting....it just kind of happened....the next piece i'm working on is traditionally structured and probably more accessible....Cheers and Thanks again!!!! ????


Edited by Larry T.
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