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Click Track goes silent after count in when recording...

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I have click track enabled for both recording and playback. I click record and I hear the 1 measure count in of the metronome, but then the click track goes silent when recording starts.

I figured out metronome has its own channel now, and I can get the click track to sound during recording if I assign the output to my interface, but then the virtual instrument I am playing makes no sound because it doesnt like being interfered with by the metronome. Can someone tell me how to simply have the metronome play while I am recording midi events. Thanks for any help.

Edited by Rok TheKasbah
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I watched your entire video. My question was not addressed.

Also for reference, I started using Cakewalk 3.1 back in 1993. I have used several iterations of cakewalk as well as a dozen other DAWs. Cubase, Studio One, Reaper, Nuendo, etc. I am mentioning this in hopes of aiding anyones efforts who may try and help me, so they can avoid spending energy chasing down leads they might assume if they thought I had never used Cakewalk before.

The problem is I can hear the metronome for the 1 measure count prior to the recording. As soon as the transport starts and I start recording midi events, the click from the metronome turns goes silent and I can not hear it.

Also I should mention I can still see the meters on metronome bus are rising and falling in time with the metronome, even when I can not hear it. I would assume the bus is just not routed to the mixer in some way, except that I can hear the first four clicks from the 1 measure count it prior to the transport starting.

Does anyone know what is causing this? Thanks for any help.

Edited by Rok TheKasbah
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The click track can be turned on and off in the control panel.  If turn off for recording, the click track only makes sound during the count-off and then goes silent during the recording.  If turned on for recording, the click track plays all the way through the song.  

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OK lets break down your question for some clarification; 

11 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

I have click track enabled for both recording and playback.

This implies you have a midi or audio track used for a click and not the metronome. The metronome doesn't need a track. So this is unclear. 

11 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

I click record and I hear the 1 measure count in of the metronome, but then the click track goes silent when recording starts.

This implies you have enabled the count in feature of the metronome for record but have not enabled the play metronome during recording in the transport or the metronome settings dialogue. ( see @Lynn Wilson  comment  only Control panel I think he meant Transport module ) 


11 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

I figured out metronome has its own channel now,

You said you are a long time user but this statement implies a very basic starting level with Cakewalk.  And just to enlighten, its a Bus not a channel. 


11 hours ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

and I can get the click track to sound during recording if I assign the output to my interface, but then the virtual instrument I am playing makes no sound because it doesnt like being interfered with by the metronome.

This implies an incorrect routing as the metronome bus by default, along with tracks or sub buses, should all be routed to the Master bus by default. The Master Bus is then routed to your Audio interface. 

Your Soft synths are either routed to the Master or to a sub bus that is routed to the master. Check all your outputs, tracks and buses are correctly routed. 

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John Vere, I wont break down all of your breakdowns. 

let me address a couple comments however:

*You said you are a long time user but this statement implies a very basic starting level with Cakewalk*

lol. And your statement implies what, exactly?

Even assuming you were not way off base with your assessment, what exactly would the utility of that comment be, pray tell?

*And just to enlighten, its a Bus not a channel*

I see. Well, color me stupid.

Why did you cherry pick around two references I made regarding the *metronome bus*?

*I can still see the meters on metronome bus are rising and falling in time with the metronome, even when I can not hear it. I would assume the bus is just not routed to the mixer in some way*

Bus, Channel, whatever. Were you trying to be helpful...or pedantic?

Band name idea:   John Vere and the Semantics.    : )

Just for clarification, I have used four iterations of Cakewalk, probably more than a couple thousand hours using the software, from the purely midi sequencer version up through Sonar, and I have never encountered this problem, and I dont recall ever needing to know that the metronome existed on its own *bus* in order to record midi in to the software along to a click. If I saw it, I probably blocked it out because I have no desire to pan the click or add reverb etc. 

In fact, today | loaded two different templates in Bandlab, *basic*, and *4-track*, and I got the metronome to function correctly, and was able to record normally in both, and the *metronome bus* was no where in the arrangement view, or the two visible channel strips. I was able to record multiple tracks in to the sequencer, hearing the metronome as I always have, and I did not need to interact with the metronome bus at all.



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To anyone who has the same problem in the future, I seemed to have solved the problem.

It seems shutting the computer down and rebooting has solved this issue.

I cant be entirely sure because correlation doesnt always prove causation, but in my case that is what seemed to work.

I had closed and re-opened the software with no success, and tried several related settings, but nothing worked until after a re-boot.

Hope this helps someone alleviate some stress and bewilderment.   : )

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1 hour ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Bus, Channel, whatever. Were you trying to be helpful...or pedantic?

Just for clarification; real engineers do not confuse these two. A channel is mono (or now two channels, ie: stereo) and as such only has one input... mono or stereo.

A bus is an aggregator device which creates a 'summing' of multiple input signals.

?now you know. ?

Edited by OutrageProductions
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Somehow I knew my answer would not be well received. I was going to move on but thought I could help but I would need clarification on a few things first. 

The point is I try and help anyone who comes here and it’s often we have to guess what is wrong. Miss information is a huge problem when trying to troubleshoot something. Terminology might not matter to you but it makes a big difference to me and other who are regular “ helpers “ here. 

So the whole point of my break down was to get some clear information so we can help you. 

And ya, I could only assume by how you described your issue that you were either a part time or new user. 
Sorry if that offended it was not intentional. But once again I can only assume that a user who doesn’t know about basic stuff like that hasn’t used the software much so might not understand how a lot of things work too. 
Glad you got it sorted. 

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1 hour ago, Rok TheKasbah said:

Bus, Channel, whatever. Were you trying to be helpful...or pedantic?

Its not "whatever." They are not the same thing.

If you want to talk intelligently about technical matters, you need to learn how to use the technical language correctly.  Playing fast and loose with it only adds to confusion.


As to the rest:


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