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Age of BS plugins.


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I thought the piece was pretty good.

I'd have liked him to go into more detail and give specific examples, but as I was reading it I had no trouble making my own mental list of products that he could have been talking about. Are we just now entering the age of B.S. processors? Nah, we've been in it from the start. But the bad:great ratio has been getting worse as old ideas keep getting recycled, dressed up but not refined.

However, I don't believe every useful plugin has already been invented. I've long felt that audio analysis could be approached the same way as any other practical numerical analyses. iZotope has been edging in that direction in recent years. Fabfilter has quietly built in advanced smart features with hardly anyone noticing. It's an area that still has a long way to go before we can call it fully played out.


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  On 7/16/2022 at 2:23 AM, Sheens said:

Scatman (R.I.P.) not need no plugins


No, he doesn't.  It was just an allusion to this:


Which is both (literally) BS and scat! ?



 noun (1)

Definition of scat (Entry 2 of 5)

: an animal fecal dropping

Edited by craigb
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  • 2 weeks later...

He mentions a phenomenon that I have yet to experience, which is the ones that are promoted via social media. I've yet to see one of those ads actually on social media; it seems like I only learn about them if Whytse decides to do a SNAKE OIL? video on one of them.

I assume we all know who Whytse/White Sea Studios is, if not, get thee to YouTube.

There was one a while back that he did that seemed like it might have been the first to show up, or one of the first, seemed like a knock-off of UJAM Finisher Micro. I actually think that Finisher Micro is a clever idea, if you have the nagging impression that a sound needs a little something but you can't put your finger on what, it lets you try a couple dozen common processing chains. It also has the right price: it's a free promo item.

Do you all see these things being advertised? I guess they're like the "Amazing Ronco" ads that ran in cheap TV advertising slots when I was a kid. Ron Popeil. I think he started with the Popeil Pocket Fisherman, a folding 18" long plastic combo rod and reel. The ad showed someone pulling a humongous trout out of a tiny stream with one.

The first "magic bullet that all the kids have to have" plug-in I was aware of was Dada Life's Sausage Fattener, which is a two-knob compressor/EQ combo. It cost $20 (or was it less?) and didn't take itself too seriously (now I see it's up to $39 and they have another single knob job called "Endless Smile." Seeing as Dada Life are prominent Meldaproduction endorsers, I suspect that their sound isn't all about these black box processors....

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  On 8/1/2022 at 5:54 PM, Starship Krupa said:

Do you all see these things being advertised? I guess they're like the "Amazing Ronco" ads that ran in cheap TV advertising slots when I was a kid. Ron Popeil. I think he started with the Popeil Pocket Fisherman, a folding 18" long plastic combo rod and reel. The ad showed someone pulling a humongous trout out of a tiny stream with one.


i still have mine. if you take a bit of time to add good line and keep it oiled it works nicely. i've caught some big fish with it (you still need the right bait and a net). kept it in my car for years in case i was somewhere i had an hour to kill near some fishing hole. also ok for backpacking but mostly i use my 4' shakespeare  rod with a shimano reel. weights about 10oz and is easy to unpack and set up.

plugins - except for "bark of the dog", if a plugin has a silly name, i generally look at the specs and if it's something i already have one (or more of) (and regardless of the endorsements) i typically skip it... ? 

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I work very hard at limiting the amount of plugins I have. Fewer choices , I find, keep me more creative and more productive.

Just the console EQ and compressor in Mixbus 32C fill probably 90% of my needs. IK's Sunset Sound is the only reverb I need except for the odd special effect.

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  On 8/1/2022 at 6:19 PM, Glenn Stanton said:

i still have mine. if you take a bit of time to add good line and keep it oiled it works nicely. i've caught some big fish with it (you still need the right bait and a net). kept it in my car for years in case i was somewhere i had an hour to kill near some fishing hole. also ok for backpacking but mostly i use my 4' shakespeare  rod with a shimano reel. weights about 10oz and is easy to unpack and set up.

plugins - except for "bark of the dog", if a plugin has a silly name, i generally look at the specs and if it's something i already have one (or more of) (and regardless of the endorsements) i typically skip it... ? 


I assume you fish exclusively for bass, to keep it musical.

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