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Ugh. I expect more from Warren.

While nothing in that video is a lie, he is clearly struggling to put a spin on it, resorting to literally equating "musical" with "quality". 

As in "Acustica stuff always sounds super musical; I've never heard anybody complain about the quality of what they do".

By that logic, every plugin that does what it's designed to do qualifies as "musical". Voxengo SPAN, the musical spectrum analyzer! MNoiseGenerator, the musical white noise generator. Heck, I've got some speaker stands that are pretty high-quality - but I've never thought of them as "musical".

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You mean those $5,000 speaker cables? Magic Stones? Acoustical light switches?

Yeh, those guys are the worst. But then, their audience isn't the technically-minded and the critical thinkers. Mr. Huart, otoh, isn't speaking to gullible rubes. At least, I don't think so. Most of his advice is pretty solid. That's why I hold him to a higher standard.

Now, if Dan Worrall ever posts a video titled "world's most musical EQ?" I will have no choice but to give up on humanity altogether.

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Warren has definitely drunk some kind of koolaid and gone full shill. At least he doesn't call it "musical" here. Just "amazing" and "fantastic".

Not to say this isn't a great EQ, as it appears to be quite capable and full-featured. But an EQ has a straightforward job, and as long as it does that job, which EQ you use almost doesn't matter. Warren knows this. 


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7 hours ago, Bapu said:

Warren, like most of us, has to make a living. My discounted PLAP lifetime membership ain't gonna put food on his table beyond the week I signed up. ? 

will cheque your FSF at the PLAP CH :) 

Edited by Sheens
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