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Weird issue with VVocal Recently


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While I continue to have issues with Melodyne not showing blobs (yes, most recent updates of cbb/mel), I rely upon VVocal which has always worked.


...but for the last two CbB updates I constantly run into this.


i have a clip somewhere near the beginning of the song which I correct with VVocal.

i then ctrl-shift-click-drag to locations farther in the song. All looks good.

when i play the track the vvocal clip is fine the first time but not the others offering only silence.

my work around is to render before i copy, but this has never been the way previously. Is anyone else seeing anything like this?


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Copying a vvocal (or melodyne) clip is naturally more complex deep in the s/w. Not just audio needs to be copied, but all the parameters that were made in editing. E.g. each copy should then be able to be further edited independently. Early region fx of Melodyne had an easily reproducible bug in that regard.

Just to offer help tracking down the situation, is it possible to get a different result using explicit (separate operations) copy and paste?

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Good thought.


I tried that to. Can't get the copied VV clips to play. I've been doing this since Roland/Cakewalk first gave us VV.


There seems to be a difference in the display of both the VV clip and the original. I'm trying to remember exactly what that difference is.


Keeping up with the Melodyne issue has me baffled. The blob display has gone, come back, now gone again. 


All these issues are only since ARA2...


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On 6/27/2019 at 9:51 PM, Keni said:

There seems to be a difference in the display of both the VV clip and the original. I'm trying to remember exactly what that difference is.

IIRC when using VV it works on a copy of the clip and not the actual clip and the original is still in place "underneath" the VV clip but muted. I haven't used it for years now, but could it be that what your are actually moving along the timeline is the muted original clip from "underneath" and not the VV clip itself, hence why the first VV clip plays but the copies you have made don't? 


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Keep in mind that V-Vocal is 32-bit, so some of the odd behaviour could be due to BitBridge.

Also, Ctrl-Drag copying works differently to selecting the clip, copying, going to the destination time and track and pasting. It would be a good idea to commit and render the clips as well for the sake of stability. The current song I am working on crashed a lot while using V-Vocal, and they got alleviated once I rendered them.

Edited by LadyFuzztail
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12 minutes ago, LadyFuzztail said:

Keep in mind that V-Vocal is 32-bit, so some of the odd behaviour could be due to BitBridge.

V-Vocal is DX format. This means it must be the same bitness as the host and cannot use BitBridge. IOW, CbB will only work with a 64bit version of V-Vocal.

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2 hours ago, Keni said:

Thanks LadyFuzzTail and scook...


All these issues... but VV has been working fine until the ARA2 implementation...


If it was working before, you must be running the 64 bit version of V-Vocal.

It's highly possible that something in the ARA2 implementation may have upset the region-fx with v-vocal.

I'd recommend contacting support@cakewalk.com

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10 minutes ago, Keni said:

Thanks Mark...


My thoughts as well. I was hoping to find someone who could confirm the issue before filing a report.


I think I've got X1 installed on my Studio PC alongside CbB, so if v-vocal is on there I'll give it a go tomorrow (it's nearly 3am now - so I need some sleep!)

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1 minute ago, msmcleod said:

I think I've got X1 installed on my Studio PC alongside CbB, so if v-vocal is on there I'll give it a go tomorrow (it's nearly 3am now - so I need some sleep!)

Thanks Mark...


I'll keep an eye for your post.

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Keni - I tried a project on my system (win 7 v 2019.5) and trying to move or copy an open VV clip results in a Cakewalk crash every time - well 5/5 attempts. Bounce to clip first and it works as you'd expect.

I also tried on the last version of Platinum and everything works as expected - clip moves, audible and no crashes, so although the problem I am getting with CW is different to yours it would seem that there is certainly something affecting VV in 2019.05. I don't have any older versions of CW to try it on so can't help you with that. 

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I've tried messing around in V-Vocal in CbB, and it seems to be doing what it's supposed to do.

I'm not seeing any crashes, or silence being played.

That being said, I'm no expert with V-Vocal. 

I don't see any harm in raising the issue with support.

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Thanks Mark...


I did post a report as at least one other found a problem with VV in 2019.05 that does not happen in earlier versions.


I imagine you ctrl-dragged the VV clip to later locations and they all played correctly?



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15 minutes ago, Keni said:

Thanks Mark...


I did post a report as at least one other found a problem with VV in 2019.05 that does not happen in earlier versions.


I imagine you ctrl-dragged the VV clip to later locations and they all played correctly?



I tried this but found I couldn't... but I've now just realised that you mean ctrl + drag the clip in Cakewalk, not inside v-vocal itself.

I'd give this a go, but CTRL + drag means copy the clip to the new location (which leaves the original v-vocal enabled clip underneath). The new clip will not have a region fx attached to it.

This might explain the silence, and also why it works after bouncing to clip(s).

Edited by msmcleod
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