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Pearl Mimic Pro drum module used for music bed


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Since this is the most casual discussion area on the forum, I thought this would be a decent place for this post...

My company, Technical Resourse Solutions recently got involved with producing 360 videos.  We did one at a new beer release party for Reformation Brewery where a local classic rock station (97.1 The River) was and there was a bunch of music playing in the background.  Facebook didn't allow us to post it that way because of music copyright, so I had to put something together really fast to get it uploaded.

So I threw a few guitar chords together, dropped on some bass, and recorded the mimic pro "rock" preset.  I also added some Shaker and tambourine.  I did very little to this mix except to add a little compression to the drum bus and other simple stuff, but for the most part, this is the preset.

I am not asking for you to like the Facebook page or anything.  Just take a look at the video and take a listen to the music bed behind.  IMHO, so easy to get a decent drum sound with very little work.  You can find it here:

Thanks for taking a listen

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I guess I found a way to post something to the coffee house and get no response at all!?

Most of the time, folks post some pretty random stuff out here that gets Something back.  No biggie...just surprised someone didn't have something to say.

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