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Don't It Make The Devil Smile !

freddy j

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Just a silly song with a bit of a message  -- God loves you but the Devil does not.  The guitar panned L is borrowing from some Jimmy Reed style riffs; the guitar panned R is borrowing (sort of ) from Elmore James' riffs  and the lead guitar (accents and break panned C) borrow from the realm of rockabilly.  Hence -- Bluesabilly.  I have been trying to get better instrument separation.  Hopefully, I have done a wee bit better on this one.  I was going for that early Blues gritty overdriven sound on the lead.   I used the Amplitude Fender 1957 amp on the classic setting.  I think it came close to what I was going for.

Comments, crit.'s, and suggestions will be much appreciated!






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On 7/3/2022 at 1:11 PM, freddy j said:

Comments, crit.'s, and suggestions will be much appreciated!

I believe you could back off on the effect you are using on the vocals, keep them clean.

I also think the guitar licks could be pasted in after each 12 bars, that is the coin, your licks, instead of 24 bars of vocals, go 12-12-12-12

but another excellent creation, especially the LR and EJ influence

I'm not sure I have ever made the devil smile, but I am not sure I have ever made the anti devil smile either, but I have made myself smile, and I have smiled with others.

Thanks freddy

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First time thru I have to admit the slapback on the vocal was a little distracting, but by the second verse I was “tuned in”. (I too loves me some “slapback”). Maybe a couple of db increase on the vocal would be a good “compromise”. Overall high marks on storytelling and execution. Loves me some Jimmy Reed rhythm and blues. What is a catalog that Does Not include an Elmore James quote? A boring catalog?
Bluesabilly on my friend!!!!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi jwnicholson.  I'm very glad that you liked it.  Thanks for taking the time to listen and commenting.  It is much appreciated!!

Hey Jesse.  I know that I tend to overdo it on the reverb and/or delay.  I do hear it on the lead vocal  and I am a bit mystified as I plugged the mic directly into my audio interface and did not use any plug-in other than the  WAVES L1 + Ultramaxi.  However, I think that that plug-in should influence rev/del.  I do not have a studio.  I have a wee room with 3 double glass door and a small window.  I recently moved my microphone and perhaps I might be getting some "glass bouncing" being picked up by the mic??  Guess I'll have to move things around again.

Hi Nigel.  I am glad that you liked it .  I appreciate the kind comments.  Thanks for listening and commenting.

Hi tom!  I did not intend that much reverb/delay on the vocal but it is there.  I don't really know why (see comment to Jesse above).  I do tend to over use it, when I use it  but do love the sound of it .  It is nice to get feed back from someone that digs the early electric Blues and R&B as much as I do.  As always your feedback is much appreciated!!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Steve.  I am very glad that you liked it and that it gave you that small venue feeling.  I appreciate the kind words and encouragement!!!

Hi Andy.  I do tend to overuse reverb but I am still trying to figure out how it got on this song.  Next time I pull up the file for this song I'll give the vocal and lead guitar a tweak.   Thanks very much for listening and also for taking the time to comment.

Hi Wookiee.  Every once in a while the Blues and Bluesabilly overtakes me and I have to go "back in the alley"  and get it out of myself.  After all,  it was my first love (musically that is).  Thanks, as always, for taking the time to listen and comment!!!  BTW, I loved you most recent post --- brilliant!!

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Hi Freddy
Well I'm starting to accept the delay effect in your songs as being your style. If you like it, just do it!
I like your songs because of the story telling, the bluesy guitars and you always seem to be having fun.

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Hi John.  If I can make anyone smile, then I feel that it is mission accomplished.  Thanks much for listening and commenting.!

Hi Daryl.  I do tend to overdo it.  I am going to put a little picture next to my monitor with the words REVERB inside a circle with a line through it. Thanks for listening and the suggestion. 

Hey Old Joad.  Thanks for listening and kind comments!

Hi Hidden Symmetry.  Thanks you.  I very much appreciate your comments.

Hey Bjorn.  I do music because I enjoy it and to enjoy it I have got to have fun.  I am glad the fun comes out in some of my stuff.  Thanks for the kind comments.

Mark -- great to see you back on the forum!!!  Thanks much for your most kind comments!  I just listened (and commented) on your recent post and can only say Outstanding!!  I am glad that you and Warren are collaborating and look forward to more music from the Pugtones!!  I hope all is well with you.

Warren -- how are you?  Great to see you back on the forum and collaborating with Mark!  I loved your recent post! I'm looking forward to more great songs!  BTW, your vocals were great!

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