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Of a good place for NORMAL HUMANS to go to have normal human conversations?

I love chattering with all you guys, but the idiotic censoring is getting very old and makes me (and anyone with a still-working brain) want to leave.

This is the only place I still pop into for fun and humor, so I'm not very happy about this...

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I’ve been on Facebook since 2007. In my humble opinion, it’s nowhere near as bad as Instagram or Twitter, where everything you post is public. Young people and influencers (ewww) often think of it as a boring platform for old people. That's for a reason...

You can select what you share with whom on FB - in terms of privacy, that’s actually better than most online forums. You can hide your profile and make it undiscoverable by search engines and even by people who know your email address, and configure it so that strangers cannot see your profile or send you requests.

I have 174 “friends” (I have deleted hundreds of them in successive purges these last few years) and the way I set up my account and posts, most of what I share can only be seen by a fraction of them.

It allows me to stay in touch with friends back home on an ongoing basis, and share the little things with them without having to send emails every time. It makes for a very superficial form of communication, much like this forum in a sense, but one that I appreciate and makes me feel that I am somehow always in touch.

And of course, you can always unfollow people if their posts annoy you. Of the 174 contacts I have, I see posts from maybe 20-30, tops.

IMHO it is not that bad, if you know how and why you want to use it. But that's just me.

Edited by Rain
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Binned Facebook a very long time since, not been back and don't miss it. Twitter also a human cesspit and full of nutters sat on virtual park benches shouting into the wind - best avoided.

What's Instagram?? ??

Good place to have normal conversations with normal people - the pub is as good as anywhere.

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1 hour ago, AndyB01 said:

Good place to have normal conversations with normal people - the pub is as good as anywhere.

Played darts for decades and met hundreds of interesting people during league and tournaments.  Then the idiocy occurred and, in addition to destroying our league and blind draws, nobody goes out any more (plus most of my friends have already moved to other states).

I don't use any of the social disease sites.  Regardless of what you set your privacy settings, at F***Book (and most of the others) still illegally capture your data behind the scenes and censor your posts.

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