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FR : How We See Track View Automation

Mark Morgon-Shaw

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Correct me if I am missing a setting somewhere but when writing orchestral type stuff in particular you need to use a lot of CC events to give some realism to the strings etc.

What I seem to end up with is a view like the below, where the event data is obscuring the notes. The notes are more important so my request is , can there be a way to put the CC events in the background instead of the foreground of the clip.

Or alternative be able to show / hide the events on a per track basis ? 


Edited by Mark MoreThan-Shaw
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What you're seeing there are CC events - not CC automation ( sorry to be pedantic! ?)

Having an option in the Track View  "View -> Display" submenu to show/hide CC's is certainly doable.

I'm not sure having it per-track is a good idea though.  Firstly, none of the other options are per track; and secondly, it would be really easy for a user to forget they'd switched it off on one track and wonder why their controller data is being shown on some tracks and not others.

As a workaround in the meantime, you could always switch the track filter to "Notes".

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4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

What you're seeing there are CC events - not CC automation ( sorry to be pedantic! ?)

You work in I.T. it goes with the the terriotory  ;)

4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

Having an option in the Track View  "View -> Display" submenu to show/hide CC's is certainly doable.

Make it so ! I look forward to it in the next update !

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14 hours ago, jimlynch22 said:

You could view both notes and CCs in seperate windows using the Piano Roll View, as shown in my screen shot/


Thanks but I am talking specifically about the track view. When you're writing with  orchestral templates of 50 -80 tracks  it's the best screen for an overview i find.

Edited by Mark MoreThan-Shaw
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The option to show/hide controllers in the clips view will be available in the next main release.  The controllers will also be drawn slightly darker with the notes appearing on top at their current colour, so the notes will be far more visible.


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12 hours ago, msmcleod said:

The option to show/hide controllers in the clips view will be available in the next main release.  The controllers will also be drawn slightly darker with the notes appearing on top at their current colour, so the notes will be far more visible.

Fanstastic !

Where do I send the brown paper envelope full of used pound notes ? 

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