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I've got cracks on the strain!


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The current global supply chain issues became the main reason El Kabong  switched over from his beloved  guitar to bass . Due to the lager girth and weight  of his new found instrument , he found a marked improvement in his accuracy  .


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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When I was a kid, we had band practice at a friend's house. His mom made cookies, the guitarist leaned his SG against a chair, I put my sax on top of the case and we went into the kitchen.

When we got back, the SG slid to the floor and the headstock was folded over like a hinge.

It was a sad day.

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The closest brush with disaster I ever had is when my Mom decided to clean my room and went to pick up my EB-3 (in it's case) but when was unaware that the none of the latches were engaged the bass fell out onto the hardwood floor. The bass survived but it got a 2" indention along the edge of the body (where my right arm crossed it).

About 3 years later I traded it up for a Rick bass.

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Ironically, I had an opposite incident where, before I began using strap-locks, I was wearing my Les Paul inside my friends house when one of the ends of the strap came off and the guitar went, body first, right down onto his Mom's antique (naturally, right?) table putting a nice dent and scratch into it.  Boy did I hear about that! 

The guitar came out of the incident just fine.  Now with ALL guitars and basses that I get, I use the same Schaller strap-locks and all my padded straps have the opposite part already added so it's just a matter of grabbing an instrument and a strap.

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My first ever decent'ish guitar was an EKO Ranger acoustic my parents bought me. I used to take it into college on the bus (I'd be aged 17). One day at the bus stop, the wind caught it and blew it to floor in its gig bag - the neck snapped clean off at the nut - I was mortified!

We took it back to the shop to see what they could do, they sent it back to the manufacturer who determined that, despite the circumstances, the neck was defective. I was very fortunate to be presented with a brand new replacement guitar.

Lesson learned - I immediately started saving for a hard case. 

I've never liked buses much since ??

Also had a 'strap incident' that slipped off a Fender acoustic which crashed to the floor cracking the sidewall near the strap pin. It was repaired but looked naff and never sounded the same after that

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I always latch my cases when I close them, even if I'm going back in shortly.

And when I carry then, I always put the opening side toward my leg, just in case. That way if the case opens, it will open towards my leg, and I'll have a chance to either save it or minimize the fall.

My Jr. High School band director shared that with me, and I've done so every since.


Notes ♫

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