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Preview Bus Missing in Console


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I've resurrected an old project and for some reason the Metronome Bus and Preview Bus were missing in my Console View.   I did figure out how to add the Metronome Bus and route the metronome audio to it in the Metronome audio settings in preferences. 

However, I can't remember how to add a Preview Bus so that when I audition loops in the media window, I can control the volume with a Preview bus/track.  Right now the play and stop buttons are lit in the media window when I select a loop, so I know it's playing, but no sound is heard...... so wherever the option is to route that audio is, I haven't found it yet.  I've run into this once before long ago, in fact, I probably asked it on the old forum, but right now I can't for the life of me remember how to do it!  And I know it's a simple solution.  Thanks in advance.

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Right you are scook!  I did just figured that out a few moments ago and logged in to cancel the thread and saw your post.  I guess I had a senior moment and the fog suddenly cleared! ?

Sorry to have wasted a thread here, but maybe someone else will benefit from the info.  Thanks my friend, much appreciated. 

Edited by musikman1
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