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"Space Farmer"

bats brew

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On 6/11/2022 at 7:54 AM, kevmsmith81 said:

I love this.... the atmospheric synths to open it up, and then it goes into that classic rock sound I expect from you.  Great playing and vocal performances as well.  Great work!

hey kev!

yea, that opening was fun.

spent a bunch of  time just demoing sounds to use... of course, there are samples mixed in as well,

some sounds i got from NASA!



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On 6/11/2022 at 2:21 PM, jack c. said:

coooooooooooool sounds of those 60's.jack c

hey jack! yea, some of those sounds were cool nasa sounds, but most were sounds i created using soft synths and a lot of tweaking.


kinda gives it the old sci-fi vibe!

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On 6/11/2022 at 5:02 PM, Kevin Perry said:

Epic intro, clever lyrics and perfect waa guitar too - nice one.

thanks kevin!

the intro was fun.... i didn't want it too long, but it had to be long enough to elicit the right vibe before diving into the abduction~~~!!




the wah, i wasn't planning on doing a wah part, but as i hit 'record' and walked to the pedalboard, i blindly stepped on the budda wah, and just starting going. that was an off the cuff, in the moment solo, i was planning to over write, but kept it.


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On 6/12/2022 at 9:21 AM, Bajan Blue said:

Hi Bat

As per usual great guitar playing

enjoyed the song




thanks so much nigel


the guitars were fun, because i was trying out a new technique that i really don't normally use,

to play the rhythms..

and it forced me to really really focus on the timing of the rhythm parts, because i wanted them to boogie...

slightly back beat, if you know what i mean...

and you have to play those parts consistently, or it just doesn't work rhythm wise.


once i got it, it was fun to push and pull the groove based on simply plucking the strings with my fingers, instead of using a pick.

i'll keep refining that style/method, it's fun to do. gotta have the gain structure right on the amp, tho....

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4 hours ago, batsbrew said:

the wah, i wasn't planning on doing a wah part, but as i hit 'record' and walked to the pedalboard, i blindly stepped on the budda wah, and just starting going. that was an off the cuff, in the moment solo, i was planning to over write, but kept it.

Brilliant ?

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On 6/15/2022 at 3:58 PM, Kevin Perry said:

Brilliant ?

heh! i don't about that,

but sometimes happy accidents happen, that just work out!


i like that aspect of recording, i just try whatever, if it works, great, if not, i just record over it.

i've learned to NOT be precious about recording stuff.


i used to think that the 1st takes were always best,

but honestly, i think you can always improve on any take. but there is something about spontaneity


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13 hours ago, jwnicholson78 said:

For some reason, the intro made me think of George Romero and Night of the Living Dead.  And then the guitar hits, and that was a really awesome shift in tone.  Really well done.

so nice of you to listen and comment, jw



it was a pretty cool arrangement to work with,
getting things to build exactly the way i wanted it to,
took some serious "methodology"

this one, i actually worked out the arrangement on paper,
before i even started writing the music!

i think i'll continue on that path, i've done 5 albums now, working out stuff 'on the fly',
so this is a new approach for me.

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