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In Rock


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I saw on FB that yesterday was the anniversary of the release of Deep Purple In Rock.
In 1972, we were living in Frankfurt and my mother took me out of school for a week to go with her to Berlin, a sightseeing trip. My father's job in the Air Force was sensitive and he wasn't allowed to travel to the East Zone, so I was volunteered.
Took the train, and I remember being stopped at the border, and East German and Soviet soldiers boarding and searching the train. I wonder what they were looking for?
We stayed in a military-run hotel and spent the week seeing the sights, hence the name. Checkpoint Charlie and the wall, the Brandenburg Gate and all the other points of interest.
While walking along the Kurfurstendamm, I spied a record store, and went in while Mom took a break at a coffee shop.
Deep Purple was kind of a new band to me, and I found In Rock in the bins and thought the cover was cool. I bought it, I think for 12 DM? About 3 bucks.
Man, that album blew me away. Listening to it in my room with the speakers next to my head (I already had ear damage, so, why not?) it was amazing to hear and feel.
Sent me on a Deep Purple album-buying spree. One of my favorite bands ever.
I still have it.

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I definitely have some memories of Checkpoint Charlie like having machine guns pointed at us!  (1981)

We were also "saved" by German riot police because we almost walked right into a nasty anti-US protest.  Fun times! ?


(Oh, and I'm also a fan of Deep Purple! ??)

Edited by craigb
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9 hours ago, craigb said:

Was just reading this thread when this song came on my player (albeit the cover by Dream Theater from Change of Seasons, but...). ?


My introduction to DP. It wasn't until I reached 6th grade that I discovetred there was a world of music outside of Elvis and John Lennon, and my parents record collection.

I loved that album. Still do.

Next one was Made in Japan. That sealed the deal.

Never visited Germany, wish I had.  My philosophy teacher in college was pushing for me to go study there like he had but it never happened. Maybe someday...

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On 6/4/2022 at 10:18 AM, 57Gregy said:

In 1972, we were living in Frankfurt...

I saw Deep Purple in Frankfurt in 1972!

They performed the entire DP In Rock album, which I hadn't actually heard yet at the time. Blew me away, needless to say. Went and bought the record the following week. It was a Saturday night, which I remember because we'd gone to see ELP the night before, at  their very first European gig, and only their second public performance since forming. Both concerts were at modest venues, no opening acts, no fancy lighting or fog machines, just straight up music. Cost of admission was ridiculous, something like 5 DM apiece (about $1.25 at the time).

What a weekend that was! And I remember it vividly, despite having prepared for the show via some delicious gooey black Afghan for Deep Purple and more sensible Turkish plate for ELP.

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On 6/8/2022 at 8:18 PM, bitflipper said:

I saw Deep Purple in Frankfurt in 1972!

They performed the entire DP In Rock album, which I hadn't actually heard yet at the time. Blew me away, needless to say. Went and bought the record the following week. It was a Saturday night, which I remember because we'd gone to see ELP the night before, at  their very first European gig, and only their second public performance since forming. Both concerts were at modest venues, no opening acts, no fancy lighting or fog machines, just straight up music. Cost of admission was ridiculous, something like 5 DM apiece (about $1.25 at the time).

What a weekend that was! And I remember it vividly, despite having prepared for the show via some delicious gooey black Afghan for Deep Purple and more sensible Turkish plate for ELP.

We lived through some great times, didn't we?
You mentioned before that you were there at the same time as me. I was one of the kids you defended. Thanks for your service, Dave.

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Thanks, but I wasn't in the service. To be honest, part of the reason I was living in Europe was to avoid being in the service. I was not a draft dodger; I registered for the draft on my 18th birthday like a good little citizen. Turns out that although they didn't bother drafting Americans who were living outside the US, they had no problem tossing them in jail for failing to get on the list.

I did my part for military morale, though, entertaining the army at the EM, NCO  and Officers' clubs, as well as hooking soldiers up with hashish. What can I say? I am a patriot.

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