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I'm stuck


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First of all, this is not finished, not even close.

I haven't touched my DAW in a while and decided to make something again, this is what I ended up with but it doesn't feel finished and I have no idea what to do with it.

the drums don't feel right, and the volume isn't right.

Other than that it feels borring.

But I don't know what to do with it.

I thought maybe some feedback and some tips could help me finish this.



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It sounds like a great base or background for something to develop further.  I would add more "instruments" to it in a lead line that stands out in front.  Also,  expand your beat to more sounds than just the "kick drum" and "Hi Hat".  I favor real drum sounds over the electronic "beeps and blips" of electronic kits but even those sounds can be effective when used well.  In a nutshell, I'd advise you to get more sounds into it.  Develop a lead line.  Great start though.  Use your imagination and you'll do fine.

?John B

Edited by Johnbee58
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I'm getting a fair bit of distortion on headphones - both low and top end - so you may have the signal recorded a little too hot. It's a good basic structure but I agree with John, the drums need more variety and interest; although the e-drums fit the genre so I think they work OK.

Keep working with it, either something will come or not. I have dozens of unfinished and half-baked projects - only some will make it to a final cut and I don't lose any sleep over it.

Good luck with it.


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 Sisi , Here's my honest opinion after 3 listens. The first intro synth sounds Good but "dry". I think it needs a little "airy" reverb. Maybe fast and clean from rematrix solo in the pro channel. The second synth coming in at 0:15 is Way too hot and needs a lot of the bass EQ'd out of it. I would EQ it drop the fader to 0 and ease it up until you like it. The synth patch coming in at 0:30 is Hot and just plain  Bad.  I'd Definitely find another patch. It's also taking All the attention away from everything else including the drums. I'm not hearing a kick. The patch coming in at 1:05 is very cool. I'd try a Slow automated pan sweeping from left to right. At 1:15 Everything is coming in nicely but the arp patch is also a little dry. This section needs to be repeated and have a synth lead come in.

3 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

Develop a lead

This would be a Good spot for a lead instead of repeating everything again.  Anyway  , here's a start.  If I don't like the way things are sounding in my stuff  I often make radical changes including deleting days of recording and mixing. Best of luck to you ...  mark

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5 hours ago, mark skinner said:

 Sisi , Here's my honest opinion after 3 listens. The first intro synth sounds Good but "dry". I think it needs a little "airy" reverb. Maybe fast and clean from rematrix solo in the pro channel. The second synth coming in at 0:15 is Way too hot and needs a lot of the bass EQ'd out of it. I would EQ it drop the fader to 0 and ease it up until you like it. The synth patch coming in at 0:30 is Hot and just plain  Bad.  I'd Definitely find another patch. It's also taking All the attention away from everything else including the drums. I'm not hearing a kick. The patch coming in at 1:05 is very cool. I'd try a Slow automated pan sweeping from left to right. At 1:15 Everything is coming in nicely but the arp patch is also a little dry. This section needs to be repeated and have a synth lead come in.

This would be a Good spot for a lead instead of repeating everything again.  Anyway  , here's a start.  If I don't like the way things are sounding in my stuff  I often make radical changes including deleting days of recording and mixing. Best of luck to you ...  mark

So I should replace the synth at 0:30? or put the volume down? and at 1:15 the arp should get a reverb then?
What do you mean by repeated? I understood it as making it a 16 bar drop instead of a 8 bar but i'm not sure.
Thanks a lot for the feedback!

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 Sisi , Yes ,  personally I would replace the organ like patch at 0:30. To me it sounds like it has no depth and almost like the tuning is drifting around. This is just a personal preference as I think a different patch would fit the song better. Yes All the synth parts sounded like they needed some air. Maybe send them all to a bus and put a "little" airy verb there. Yes the section at 1:15 should be "at least" 16 bars for some lead coming in whenever it feel right.  As far as your track volumes go start by opening the console view and check all of your meters for anything too loud and make adjustments. Afterwards change your "master" output bus to mono. (it's going to sound bad) and use your ears and the faders until it sounds balanced. Switch back to stereo on the master and take a Long break.  You'll probably find everything sounding much better and needing just minor tweeking when you come back.    Good luck ..  mark

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