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Music Literally Alters Your Mind


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But it takes at least ten minutes. 3-minute songs don't work unless you play them over and over.

This fellow has probably given more thought to the subject than any of us, certainly more than I have. When I'm entertaining an audience, I worry that long songs might bore them. But maybe by pandering to the short attention span of the social media generation we're robbing them of a transcendental experience.

I remember back in the 60's when the consistently most well-received song my band played was Inna-Gadda-da-Vida. It went on for so long that even I'd start to get bored with it. But there was something about the tempo and the repeating riff that put people into a hypnotic state. Granted, that state was also encouraged via chemical assistance, but I remember achieving that state of consciousness by listening to She's So Heavy, even without benefit of drugs. 

Let's bring back the ten-minute song!


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It was pretty interesting until he started equating modern pop with classical music in terms of them being too sanitized and obsessed with playing 'clean' notes with no deviation from that, and then said that blues was the solution to this 'problem'. Only blues is truly free, only American music from HIS generation can 'save the day'. He doesn't even mention that classical Western music is much more complex harmonically,  melodically, rhythmically, and structurally than any modern genre, and failed to realized that contemporary renditions of classical pieces do not necessarily equate to how they were played in the past... 

Edited by Esteban Villanova
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I'm all in for the hypnotic effects of mind altering music . There used to be a time in my life when the music I listened to was a perfect gauge of my emotional state of mind .

In most cases the music not only perfectly nailed what I was feeling it also gave me hope for what I would like to hope and feel someday .

Aside from that , I will not watch the video . No disrespect intended .  I don't do Beato ..I'm just simply not a fan .



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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Same here Kenny on the way I react to music. Things have changed some over time, with the music I mean ? well ok some other things have changed too, no not that. I still have mojo. I live in harmony with my moobies. I'm like a two legged camel.

Beato? I guess I don't have an opinion about him one way or the other. I've listened to a few of his videos. I am not stuck to him as a follower. He seems to get plenty of followers.


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1 hour ago, Tim Smith said:

Same here Kenny on the way I react to music. Things have changed some over time, with the music I mean ? well ok some other things have changed too, no not that. I still have mojo. I live in harmony with my moobies. I'm like a two legged camel.



Hi Tim !

I kinda feel sad in a way on how music has taken a back seat with my emotions . When I was younger every song I dug was an anthem describing all the dark nooks and cranny's of my emotions ( and hoped for emotions ) I would bask in the absolute power of the songs sound and message . It was not uncommon for me to feel goose bumps and total exhilaration  no matter where I was  . I could be sitting in the same chair for an hour listening and I felt as if I had taken a trip around the world .  

Interestingly enough  I have felt these transformative effects of Music regardless of what genre of Music I was listening too. It didn't matter if I was listening to Rock , Blues Jazz , Classical , Flamenco, POP , R & B , Soul , or anything for that matter ...There was a time when Music took me someplace I wanted to go ...

My Mom had an extensive record collection of Jazz , Latin , Flamenco , Mario Lanza  LOL , and Cuban Music . So The Beatles did happen for me a little later on in life ...

My poor ole Mom , how she suffered through her encounters with Black Sabbath dimed on her stereo system  ...She did like Leslie West and we did go out to see him in concert when I was young ...That was the concert I found out she was a toker ?

I don't know something has changed and I can't seem to be able to put my finger on it . It can be many factors involved in this change collectively,

People don't play together in the same place at the same time much anymore  ...phone in your tracks we can make it work and we can  fix it in the mix for you during editing ...

Many of the recorded sounds on today's hit records are over hyped ...

I spent years listening to music that was new and then I would play a couple of songs like some Van Halen , ACDC or Santana and many of the older recordings sounded better to my ear .They songs , were better written , the actual sounds and tones sounded much more natural too me because they weren't over compressed and over done with the reverb. In addition to that the older tunes were not casualties of the loudness war so they didn't tire my ears out while I casually listened to them ...

And if that wasn't enough I feel modern Music got over hyped as it was marketed ... The Marketing in today's music is over kill .

I'm gonna leave it at that for now because I'm trying to keep my post civil ....

nice rapping with you ,


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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1 hour ago, InstrEd said:

But at the church we play at we were not allowed on the alter for music. I guess we are not Holy enough ?

No one will ever be holy enough right? :)

1 hour ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Hi Tim !

I kinda feel sad in a way on how music has taken a back seat with my emotions . When I was younger every song I dug was an anthem describing all the dark nooks and cranny's of my emotions ( and hoped for emotions ) I would bask in the absolute power of the songs sound and message . It was not uncommon for me to feel goose bumps and total exhilaration  no matter where I was  . I could be sitting in the same chair for an hour listening and I felt as if I had taken a trip around the world .  

Interestingly enough  I have felt these transformative effects of Music regardless of what genre of Music I was listening too. It didn't matter if I was listening to Rock , Blues Jazz , Classical , Flamenco, POP , R & B , Soul , or anything for that matter ...There was a time when Music took me someplace I wanted to go ...

My Mom had an extensive record collection of Jazz , Latin , Flamenco , Mario Lanza  LOL , and Cuban Music . So The Beatles did happen for me a little later on in life ...

My poor ole Mom , how she suffered through her encounters with Black Sabbath dimed on her stereo system  ...She did like Leslie West and we did go out to see him in concert when I was young ...That was the concert I found out she was a toker ?

I don't know something has changed and I can't seem to be able to put my finger on it . It can be many factors involved in this change collectively,

People don't play together in the same place at the same time much anymore  ...phone in your tracks we can make it work and we can  fix it in the mix for you during editing ...

Many of the recorded sounds on today's hit records are over hyped ...

I spent years listening to music that was new and then I would play a couple of songs like some Van Halen , ACDC or Santana and many of the older recordings sounded better to my ear .They songs , were better written , the actual sounds and tones sounded much more natural too me because they weren't over compressed and over done with the reverb. In addition to that the older tunes were not casualties of the loudness war so they didn't tire my ears out while I casually listened to them ...

And if that wasn't enough I feel modern Music got over hyped as it was marketed ... The Marketing in today's music is over kill .

I'm gonna leave it at that for now because I'm trying to keep my post civil ....

nice rapping with you ,


You know I don't think about it much because I guess I don't want to face the fact that it feels almost like I have lost something, call it a sensitivity to the music. Like I've almost been desensitized to it.

Back when music was a new thing for me I remember associating music with other things like girls I liked at the time. Every time I would see that girl I would think of that particular song. I have one girl permanently associated with Free Bird.  After she grew up she looked like a hound dog.  I still have those earlier pre hound dog memories. I sure am glad I never hooked up seriously with her. My kids would have been dog ugly but probably would have had good hearing and sense of smell.

Not to trivialize that sense of loss I think you feel. I do feel a lot of the magic is lost. Can it be recovered? Only God knows.

The music doesn't change but we change. I believe the associations are part of what made the music great for me. It was like a package deal.

If the associations go away or change radically, the polish is gone or diminished. The music is only part of it. Some maybe associate certain music with an event or a time in life. Maybe we could all say , "I remember" in relation to a song.

If our present is uneventful, there isn't much to associate anything with. Maybe the mistake is in not finding music we can appreciate apart from anything else. Takes a lot of dopamine.


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Well, seeing as this is the area my PhD work is in, YES, it does!

I've worked with a few of the so-called pioneers in the brain-mind field and have a LOT of audio!  I kept telling myself I was going to make some of my own audio, but never got around to it...  Oh well.

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