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I hope that they fix this someday. The claim is it’s less confusing for new users to not have all the options. I think I has the opposite effect and it’s confusing to everyone because there’s been a zillion posts with the solution always being —

“ Change to the Advanced Workspace and the missing feature will return “. 

We have the flagship top of the line version of Cakewalk installed but the default is Cakewalk LE. 

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The way to fix it is to get rid of Workspaces. In fact the way to solve any feature that confuses people is to get rid of it.

OR, the default could be Advanced so everything is enabled on new installations with no way to change Workspaces unless Workspaces is enabled (by a deliberate change of preferences).

CLARIFICATION: I just realized that anyone stumbling onto this post might not realize I was being sarcastic.  "In fact the way to solve any feature that confuses people is to get rid of it," was too subtle a hint.  As a big fan of using Workspaces back then (as well as earlier and now), I was not seriously suggesting that Workspaces should be gotten rid of.  

Edited by User 905133
(2) 2024-07-05: added an CLARIFICATION. (1) added a parenthetical expression
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