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Some Staff View Stuff


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A while back, in a thread whose name I can't recall and where the subject was something other than the Staff view, a user wondered why there was no left-handed fret view, and someone else decried the lack of drawability on the fretboard.
I wondered why myself, since I was sure I had written into the 'board before. So, I checked it out, and yes, you can draw notes on the fretboard and have them displayed on the staff. I don't know why that person couldn't do it, and if he/she is still around, maybe we can compare settings or something. I don't recall ever changing anything in my staff properties, I believe it just always worked.
As for the left-handed guitar, right-click the fretboard and select "Mirror Fretboard".

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Could be he/she tried entering notes on the fretboard and it didn't work for him/her.

He/she may now be scratching his/her head because after trying it again it does work. :S

No doubt he/she still maintains this would be/is cool. 

FWIW, mirroring the fret board only flips it top to bottom, not giving lefties the same point-of-view righties enjoy:

Mirror Fretboard - Inverts Fretboard so highest-sounding string appears at the bottom.

Flipping it left to right might be more advantageous to lefties, but he/she probably isn't left handed and so may not be completely sure about that. His/her comment was probably just a passing thought as he/she was checking out the Staff View which he/she said he/she never uses.

Of course, I... er, he/she could be totally wrong about all this. :D?

Edited by sjoens
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I play guitar left-handed and quite frankly I think that flipping the fretboard diagram, whether you're doing a top to bottom or end for end, is a stupid idea.


It is a well-established idea to have fretboard diagrams drawn out as if you are a right-handed player looking down over the top of the fretboard. I personally think it would make more sense to have the fretboard diagram oriented as if you're looking at another (right handed) guitarist across from you, but the convention is otherwise

When you go against established conventions like this, you introduce confusion. It's like if you wanted to write from right to left because you liked it that way better. You're only going to cause problems for everybody. Even if you only do it for yourself and your own personal use, you're still going to cause confusion for yourself when you go to look at other people's stuff when they're doing it the conventional way.

Edited by bdickens
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I get what you're saying Byron. You being a lefty on guitar, you're used to seeing it the same way I do. The mirrored fretboard appears like I'm looking at a lefty who is playing guitar
I wonder, would it be easier for a left-handed guitarist to write music by clicking the mirrored image rather than the standard view? A left-handed person unfamiliar with the fretboard view might have an easier time of it than when using the standard view. Probably not an experienced guitarist, though.
Anyway, I remembered those thoughts posited in the earlier thread and wanted to see how it worked.

sjoens, I hope he/she can benefit from this forum, and you, um, he/she can find some value in this thread.


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