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BUG Report: Selection of envelope nodes is cancelled if nodes are scrolled out of the screen viewing area


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I can confirm this bug too.

Although it's not neccessarily nodes that go off-screen that aren't highlighted, it's only the first one. Meaning, if I select 6 nodes and 3 of them go out of view, when I scroll back to look, the first one isn't hightlighted (ie not selected) but the other 2 are.

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The thread title threw me off at first. It says the nodes are un-selected if scrolled out of the viewing area, but that's a misleading description. I tried every method of scrolling I could think of: up/down, left/right, using arrow keys, Home/End, Ctl-Shift-PgUp/Ctl-Shift-PgDn, scroll wheel and horizontal/vertical scroll bars. Tested on both audio and MIDI tracks. All worked as expected.

The only way to duplicate the problem, is to do it exactly like Olaf demonstrates it in the top post. The issue isn't nodes scrolling out of view in general, but rather when the view scrolls horizontally to accommodate a wide selection rectangle that won't fit into the viewable region.

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9 minutes ago, bitflipper said:

The issue isn't nodes scrolling out of view in general, but rather when the view scrolls horizontally to accommodate a wide selection rectangle that won't fit into the viewable region.

Ah, okay. So it's not really that "selection is cancelled", either; it's that the first lassoed node that goes offscreen is never included in the selection that's created when the mouse button is released.


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Exactly. And it is a bug, I think, because you can lasso other things and drag the rectangle beyond the visible region, such as MIDI notes in the PRV or clips on a track.

It's likely that it's always worked this way. I've never noticed because I always zoom out before selecting a group of things, to make sure I know exactly what I'm selecting. I'd rather accidentally exclude a node than to unintentionally include one I didn't intend to move.

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On 5/14/2022 at 8:34 PM, Mike Z said:

I can confirm this bug too.

Although it's not neccessarily nodes that go off-screen that aren't highlighted, it's only the first one. Meaning, if I select 6 nodes and 3 of them go out of view, when I scroll back to look, the first one isn't hightlighted (ie not selected) but the other 2 are.

I haven't tried that, that's even more strange, that makes it an entirely different bug altogether ?.

Speaking of selecting, something happened yesterday that hasn't happened before, on the particular project or any other. Selecting different parts of the Arranger track automatically unselected others. Very strange. What I did before that started happening, probably connected in some way, was move all but the first section left by one bar. So whenever that first section was selected, the right half of the timeline got unselected. But also the last section got excluded if I selected more sections starting towards the left. @Noel Borthwick


On 5/14/2022 at 8:59 PM, bitflipper said:

The issue isn't nodes scrolling out of view in general, but rather when the view scrolls horizontally to accommodate a wide selection rectangle that won't fit into the viewable region.

Yeah, exactly, it's not scrolling out intentionally, it's the selection scrolling itself away while lassoing out of the screen area.

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