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Rain - video


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The spacey music I was working on didn't sound very spacey so the project came out as a soundtrack for rainy weather.
I'm used to the rain here in Portland but seems like it's way more than usual lately.

Thanks for listening/comments.


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We had a lovely black Labrador who just loved to come for a walk in the rain with me, she was such a good soul, I could let here off the lead and she would just stroll along beside me, it was a pleasure to share the rain with her.

This would have made some nice rain walking music. :) 

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David - I hope this doesn't turn out to be one of those years without a summer. I remember a couple of those around here. But I definitely don't want 115F like we had last year.

Wookie - Dogs are like little kids. They love jumping in puddles and getting all wet and you having to clean up after them.

Jack C - Thanks I do appreciate the comment

Doug - Thanks! I read some articles by Craig Anderton about LUFS and limiters and such which really helped my mixes.

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Hey Bjorn . . . this one is absolutely beautiful, musically and visually . . . really enjoyed it from beginning to end, there is some incredible subtlety in the pulsating synth rhythms along the way that really stood out to my ears . . . such artistry, really well done ! 

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Bjorn - Beautiful track - and I enjoyed the video - I always think video's for instrumentals are the most difficult - i just finished one yesterday for an instrumental track I found when going back through the archives!! you probably noticed I don't do too many instrumentals!!!!

Cool stuff, very much enjoyed this



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Absoflippinlutely Excellent.  You just keep getting better every time that you post!  Normally laid back music like this makes me nervous but this really captured me.  The visuals that you put together were perfect.

This was a treat to watch and to hear!!!

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The Music: I think it sounds plenty spacey if that's what you wanted....though it fits fine with the rain motif as well....well crafted, recorded, mixed....great work as usual ????

The Video: works fine for me....compliments and has good synergy with the music 

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  • 2 months later...

Enjoyed the song very much!  Being new to this Cakewalk thing I am amazed when someone does a song well coordinated or put together I guess I am trying to say.  

A fellow Portlander.  Where is that rain? 

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The music goes so well with the video it initially seemed like the intro to a TV show:)   Is a little reminiscent of Jeff Beal's writing style, like in the Jesse Stone shows.   Super cool video supporting the music.    Excellent production.


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