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Paul Bush

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Paul I hear the timing issues - do you need a drummer that can follow your timing instead of you following theirs? If so, I can absolutely identify. ?

Rhythm issues aside - I like the groove on this - guitars sound great (might come up a hair) and the vocals are also sounding good; bass maybe down a tad and perhaps roll off some of the low end as there's a bit of mud down there on my Sony cans - other ears may hear it differently.

I'm the worst at playing in time and what I have started doing is trying to follow a really simple drum pattern - like a click track but using drums instead of the monotony of a metronome - it helps but I'm still not the best. In my experience you're never going to fix this in the DAW - however much you quantize it - you'll just end up making it worse (well that's what happens to me, as quantizing is a dark art I am yet to master).

So unless you get advice on here from a quantizing wizard (I am sure there are some), you're either going to have to re-cut it until you're happy or learn to love it as it is. I do find it hard to follow more complex drum tracks and stay in time, but a simple kick and snare I can usually follow relatively well - I bin it afterwards and replace it with the drums I want.

Another good piece of advice I was given is to practice it until you can virtually play it blindfold, then on takes you can focus on the timing and not worry about spotting the right notes and chords (easier said than done though). Have you tried comping the guitar and looping around five takes then you can switch sections in and out to try and get the best overall result - might help. You can always fix vocal timing in Melodyne to a degree (but don't push your luck) so there's always that.

I hope at least some of that helped but - all that aside - I really enjoyed the listen so give yourself some credit; good song.


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Paul, one of the first songs I posted here was a drum timing mess. I used an Addictive Drums 4/4 midi drum groove behind a triplet piano sequence. I didn't notice how out of sync it was because I'd gotten used to it while listening to the song over and over. But it became so obvious after it was pointed out to me in the comments.  So I guess I'm suggesting you make sure the midi drum and song time signatures match.

But I really like the song. Your voice fits the genre very well, and it's distinctive enough to really stand out.


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On 4/27/2022 at 10:18 PM, David Sprouse said:

my goodness, you're in salzburg?!  beautiful place.  Like your song.  It does need tightened up but lyrics are masterful.

Thanks David , I left the uk over thirty years ago to live and work here in austria..... yes its quite pleasant , this was a difilcult song to write as I first  had the chorus and had to write backwards if that makes sense usually I start with a riff and build up to the chorus real time , i try to keep , lyrics short and sweet and to the point I use   ezdrum toontracks i think i fall into trouble when I´m adding changes to the orignal rythum  chorus bridge etc thanks for the nice comments

Edited by Paul Bush
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On 4/29/2022 at 4:18 AM, DeeringAmps said:

What VSTi are you using for drums? You're playing in via a keyboard?


agree with the others, like the tune; needs work - kind of a Boston vibe...

Hi t,  well i use EZ2 toontracks , and I almost always stay with the songcreater patterns so everything should be in sync I think i get into trrouble when i change from verse to chorus, bridge  etc and well spotted  since ive downloaded spotify this year Ive been able to listen to so many other bands and artsits that passed me by like  Boston , and journey (great songs)  and many more so lots of new influences there  to add to my pallet , the main thing is I still feel i´m learning with every recording and its still fun thanks for the comments  cheers

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