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Little Nervous Here

Carl P Clovis

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Honestly can't see anything to worry about myself. Cakewalk staff are replying on the feedback thread for the last version and talking about bug fixes they're working on right now.

I'm generally happy for them to take their time. The problem with the monthly pay model towards the end of the Gibson era - I thought anyway - was that it kind of tied them to hustling out a monthly release ready or not, worthwhile or not.

Not being tied to that has led to the most consistently stable Cakewalk / Sonar there's ever been, I think. And the new features tend to be more genuinely useful than headline-grabbing, eg: the export overhaul. That's a massive daily improvement to my work process. I'm really glad when they take the time to make sure things are thought through and properly beta tested and all that. 

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Why be worried? Worst thing that happens is you have a good free DAW that no longer is developed. Bug fixes are always helpful, but a lot of us here just like getting excited for no reason for new features we're not even going to use  ?

Remain calm and all shall be righteous.

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