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BR: Control Bar Not Centering On Small Screens


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Everything still moves to the far left. There is no centering.

Like a word processor, "center" means... center.

Lock Module Order and Justify centers everything while Lock Module Order and Center actually Aligns Left.


Edited by sjoens
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4 hours ago, sjoens said:

Like a word processor, "center" means


??‍♂️ Sometimes I just wonder. 

You are aware that this is false on larger resolution screens, right? Larger resolution - more space, more real estate for extra modules on the right.

Smaller screen resolution less space and "aligning" things your way. 

FWIW: Every DAW where the user can customize the control panel/transport bar (depending what its called there) won't work as your request. Only those with a "fixed" Control panel/Transport Bar will adjust as requested. 

Edited by Will.
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I see. Centering only works if the visible modules fit within the screen width. If there's too many modules to show & the scrollers are present it won't center.

Just tried it. Maybe I xpects too much, maybe. :S

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9 hours ago, sjoens said:

I see. Centering only works if the visible modules fit within the screen width. If there's too many modules to show & the scrollers are present it won't center.

Just tried it. Maybe I xpects too much, maybe. :S

? Yes. 

There's always modules you don't really need or that you never use. Try removing those and keep a clean look for all your needs. 

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