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What was your first audio interface?


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The Ensoniq that came with my Gateway Pentium II computer around the year 2000. It had its own (quite good) General Midi set on it, so I was happy to use that for awhile. Then I got an Audiophile 2496. I now use a Steinberg Ur-22. I  just do midi so it suits my needs, as did the others at the time.

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Answering the question is a little tricky for me.

I had hard disk recorders (one even used a Jazz Drive) that recorded internally. Those were my first computer recorders but they weren't traditional computers. In 1999 I had an Akai DPS12 and in 2004 or so I got a Tascam 2488.

With the Tascam, I could export the wave files and mix in Cakewalk which is how I learned to mix. I wasn't using Cakewalk for live recording at that time.

Eventually, I got the itch to record in the box and got a sound blaster card. While this was a big step up in the sound of what I was mixing, I had so many latency issues it wasn't worth the trouble. I continued to record with the Tascam.

My next effort was an MAudio Fast Track Ultra. That could be sync'd with the 2488 so I could record more tracks at once. This worked ok for a good long while. I could record 6 tracks with the MAudio and 8 more with the 2488. I would record live bands this way and it worked out fairly well. I continued mixing in Cakewalk/Sonar.

Most recently, I picked up a RME UCX. I use that with the 2488 and with an Audient ASP880. This gives me 24 tracks if I'm ok to be at 44.1 or 12 tracks at 96K, 10 tracks at 192K which I've only used once on something that mattered.

The RME surprised me at how much of an improvement it was over the ones I'd had before.  I'm not sure if the next interface will be another big step up or not, but the RME has been awesome for a nice long time. I'm really hooked on it. 

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On 6/14/2019 at 10:48 AM, razor7music said:

Since the OP asked which audio interface, I won't go back to the prehistoric 4-track analog tape recorder days.


why not?


those are all legit sound interfaces.

and there were high level pro tape decks long before 4-tracks were available.

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15 hours ago, craigb said:

Are you kidding??!  The ladies are very into older gents now (I'm guessing that all of the young studs were never taught proper manners). ??

I Am flirted with all the time by very attractive young ladies .....   but  ...... my problem lately is I can't remember exactly what  I  Am  supposed to do with them.

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5 hours ago, Bapu said:



Yep.  'Tis the one I had too (actually, after three years of wanting to, I finally spent 12(!) hours unpacking, sorting, grabbing some stuff into a cargo van, and repacking my storage unit yesterday before passing out for another 12 hours.  A couple of the boxes I grabbed have what's left of my music gear in them so I wonder if I'll find my Gina still in there!

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On 6/14/2019 at 10:29 AM, Leadfoot said:

My first interface in '98 was an Aark 20/20, and Vegas Audio 1a was the recording software I was using.



I had this and could never get it to work so I sent it back. Love the concept though.  I also had the Yamaha 1000XG board which I never managed to use the full capability of it. Since I did a lot of stuff with midi and outboard sound modules. I would write the midi and them send it to an audio recorder. Later I bought a Roland VS880 used. That was probably my first entry into more audio based recording making terrible noises that eventually ended up on a cassette tape. Hard to imagine I viewed that as some kind of a finished masterpiece at the time lol!  When I dubbed copies and never heard back from those I gave them to I should have known then lol. The target at the time wasn't terribly high....80's pop was on the airwaves. Sorry if you like 80's pop. It wasn't my thing.

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