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Strange horizontal line appearing in Cakewalk?

jono grant

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Has anyone had this mysterious black, horizontal line show up in their Cakewalk session? (See image)
It stays in the same spot if I scroll up and down. So, it's randomly just sitting there. Not attached to any one track, I don't think.

Anyone see this before?


cakewalk strange horizontal line.jpg

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Not that one but graphical anomalies abound in Sonar/CbB. Usually harmless.

One I've seen lately is the Aim Assist Line only showing 3/4 of the way down. It's most notorious for lingering on screen as you move from view to view. It has to be moved right before switching views to avoid this.

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On 4/22/2022 at 11:01 PM, jono grant said:

Has anyone had this mysterious black, horizontal line show up in their Cakewalk session? (See image)
It stays in the same spot if I scroll up and down. So, it's randomly just sitting there. Not attached to any one track, I don't think.

Anyone see this before?


cakewalk strange horizontal line.jpg

I am having this same issue with one of my projects, it didn't use to appear earlier but now it does.

What's even more funny is that if i close and reopen the project a few times the line disappears, but later on if i open the project again it appears. It basically comes and goes at this point and is occurring only in one particular project. The line seems to appear only in one specific location and between two specific time stamps in the project everytime it appears but is not fixed to any specific track, if i scroll through the Track View it remains fixed on the screen.

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updated observations:  confirming that it doesn't appear "instantly", but always shows up after a bit of editing.  the same project has left an "orphan" view of the navigator for a set of nested folders on project/open.  also noting a gap in the black line that corresponds to a ripple edit after adding 2 beats to a measure. 


the "orphan navigator" is for a set of nested tracks that also have/had a problem after "flatten comp" where two comps were placed on top of each other in the same lane.  

Edited by jackson white
added more deets
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Cakewalks poltergeist tired of sleeping? Some times certain days a gremlin or two will show their faces and disappear the next day again. I suspect all these reports of a "line" theme issue? I dont know. 

I sometimes experience this with the Aim assist, but a quick double tap on the "X" button solve the issue, or most of the time a plackback. 

This black line you're experiencing - its a first for me. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've had a version of this issue for literally years (across various updates, computer builds, OS refreshes,etc)

I've traced it to graphic remnant from how CW draws data in folders; seems to leave lines when you change views. They exactly line up with the folder draws from pervious view. Very persistent. Why they sometimes go away and sometimes stay is too random for me to track. I've given up trying and I just look past them. Annoying issue tho.

(PS: I just picked a random file in my current work list. Starting view>view 3 specific tracks> lines appear. I did not have to work hard to grab a screen shot of this issue. Literally any file I choose. )


Edited by DCMG
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Those kinds of artifacts aren't uncommon. I've even seen them in my own software over the years. It always came down to the video adapter (and/or its driver). I used to see them on my system years ago, but they went away when I upgraded my graphics card. Often those artifacts will disappear when the screen is redrawn, such as when restoring the main window after being minimized.


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Switching between Track and Console views using shortcut D also often leaves a trace of the aim assist on the Console view. Especially, if you press D and move the mouse at the same time the views are being switched.

Only a cosmetic flaw, maybe, but something that annoys me, having designed a lot of UI stuff during my career. ?

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