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SONG: Absolutely Approximate


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I've got a new song out. It's called "Absolutely Approximate" - you can check it out here:

It's got the usual suspects:
Superior Drums
Those real Strats and the Tele
and a few little bits and pieces.

All comments are welcome - thanks ?

All my stuff is here http://www.soundclick.com/johnbraner.
I've also got the new CDs on Bandcamp  http://johnbraner.bandcamp.com

Don't forget - Download CDs (including my newest ones "Heads" and "Tales") and singles are still available at all the normal streaming services.

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MODO sounds really good here. Not getting the low mid congestion that listening here in the Caravan so often yields. 
The crit here; I bailed at 3:08 when the main riff came back in. Sorry, but the tune’s a bit too long. 
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the tune, but I’d trim the fat…


also there’s about 5-6 seconds of silence on the front end. I’d tidy that up. 

Edited by DeeringAmps
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hi John, nice tune, playing, riffs, production, mix....agree with Tom that it does need some editing....i'm in the process of writing something new and have to adjust my thinking from creating something i think is worth pursuing to listening to the whole piece and then deciding what sounded good before is not fitting into where the song is at now....basically totally opposite ways of thinking that really tires me out ????

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As a nut for instrumentals -especially if they feature guitars-- I really liked this number.  I was captured by the intro guitar riff that came in on-and -off through out.  The contrasting sounds of the guitars works well.  As someone who has been listening to a lot of South American Latino influenced afrobeat music the length of the song did not bother me.  Not after listening to 15 - 20 minute afrobeat songs.

Nice one.

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Hi freddy,


As a nut for instrumentals -especially if they feature guitars-

I like you already!! ;)

Seriously - thanks a lot for listening and for your comments. I know I do get carried away sometimes, but I didn't think this one was too "overdone" - oh well.

The good thing is - I don't have to answer to anyone - so that's the length that it is ;)


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