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IK Syntronik 2 Group Buy!

Larry Shelby

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It's really beginning to feel like we're not going to make it all the way on this group buy. We're past the two-thirds mark for time with only 9 days left and we're not even half-way there. If my calculations are correct, we may not even make it to 2,000 participants.

I think what would really help is if IK Multimedia would send someone here and to the other forums with some actual answers to the many questions that are holding a ton of people back from buying in.

  • If the group buy goes all the way, do we get Syntronik 2 Max as it says on IK Multimedia's website?
  • Will there be any upgrade path to other products from IKM?
  • Do we get the multi's that would be included in Syntronik 2 Max? If so, how?
  • Why is there a huge discrepancy with the number of presets advertised on the website and what people actually get?
    • Someone on another forum said that IK support told them that they consider wavesets as "instrument presets." This seems absurd. So every wavetable is an instrument preset on a wavetable synth? And every sine, triangle wave, square wave, including intermediate steps between are also presets according to IKM? This is misleading at best.

@Peter - IK Multimedia Can you answer these questions? Silence is not golden.


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Is this GAS-aholics semi-anonymous?  ?   Seriously, though, if it gets to one less than the full shebang** (buy 1 get 33) and the SYN2GB needs help getting over the top, I will pull together $35 cash + $15 jam points, $4 of which expire in June, if they use the FIFO method of accounting.  Wait a sec.  They are "Musicians First," not Accountants!!!!  ?   (So much for a brief foray into seriousness.)  ?   

**Should I say "the MAX shebang" because Full doesn't have the 11 new instruments?

Edited by User 905133
suggested "MAX shebang" instead of "full shebang"
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Just received this back from support:

Thanks for your patience while we got back to you.

It it happens and all levels get reached I believe we will unlock the additional MAX multi, etc.

We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions.

Not sure how to read this. Not a definitive yes, but hope springs eternal.

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So if the group buy wasn't happening and someone bought the SE version and then bought individual synths to max it out, they wouldn't get the multi's.  Wow.  What a wonderful customer-friendly company this is.  Why are they not included with each synth model??  Makes no sense at all.

I'm constantly torn with IK.  On one hand, I really like some of their stuff, but on the other, it's clearly obvious that all they really care about is selling product.  And yea, thats what a business does, but they don't even pretend to care about the customer!  LOL!!

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32 minutes ago, Release said:

Why are they not included with each synth model??  Makes no sense at all.

Well the point here is that many of the factory multis have assigned presets from several different Syntronik synth models, up to 4. You would need to have all synth models installed in order to effectively be able to access all of the factory multis. Else you would get an error whenever loading a multi that was created using a synth that you don't have.

Apparently somebody at IK made the call that it would be unsuitable to release "broken" factory multis out of the box. I tend to agree with that...

But you are still free to create multis of your own with the synths in your collection, and then save and recall them. The multi feature has not been crippled.

Edited by abacab
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In case the news hasn't otherwise trickled down here yet, Peter from IK posted this earlier this afternoon over at KVR:


Bingo. We will extend the Syntronik 2 Group Buy to the end of the month once the participant count hits 2,000 so please spread the word and let's get there.

Looks like the new (interim) goal is 2k to get the extra time. Tick tick tick.

Edited by Zolton
"Peter" -> "Peter from IK" for clarity
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9 minutes ago, abacab said:

Well the point here is that many of the factory multis have assigned presets from several different Syntronik synth models, up to 4. You would need to have all synth models installed in order to effectively be able to access all of the factory multis. Else you would get an error whenever loading a multi that was created using a synth that you don't have.

Apparently somebody at IK made the call that it would be unsuitable to release "broken" factory multis out of the box. I tend to agree with that...

But you are still free to create multis of your own with the synths in your collection, and then save and recall them. The multi feature has not been crippled.

Ahhh, OK, that makes sense.  

Man, they really need to get someone on board who can clearly explain things like this.  It would make Peter's job soooo much easier!  He shouldn't have to do this on every single message board.  I really feel bad the guy every time they release something.  LOL!

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52 minutes ago, Release said:

Ahhh, OK, that makes sense.  

Man, they really need to get someone on board who can clearly explain things like this.  It would make Peter's job soooo much easier!  He shouldn't have to do this on every single message board.  I really feel bad the guy every time they release something.  LOL!

However, I am all in on the wish for IK to release the factory multis if the Syntronik 2 GB goes all the way to MAX, even if we don't actually get the MAX license! :)

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1 hour ago, Zolton said:

We will extend the Syntronik 2 Group Buy to the end of the month once the participant count hits 2,000 so please spread the word and let's get there.

That's gonna be cutting it close, but here's hoping!!! :)

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